2018 Social Report: key indicators of an attractive, modern and diverse organisation

The EPO today published its Social Report 2018, which offers a comprehensive overview of staff and working conditions at the Office.

With nearly 7 000 staff members from 35 nationalities, the EPO is the second largest European organisation. An attractive employer with very good working conditions and an intellectually stimulating atmosphere, the EPO received more than 11 000 job applications in 2018.

The EPO is committed to diversity and launched "Women in the lead", an ongoing mentorship initiative. The programme gives women at the EPO the chance to explore options for career development with guidance from a senior manager. The Office has also hosted several diversity driven events, including the "Together for Gender Diversity" conference and Girls' Day, the latter aimed at inspiring school girls to consider careers in science and technology.

In the course of 2018 the EPO welcomed 96 newcomers, including 53 new employees and 43 trainees in the Pan-European Seal programme. The EPO also fosters career advancement of its staff through internal mobility: 40 staff members were promoted to positions of a higher category in the year under review.

Further information

Social report 2018

Celebrating International Women's Day 2019: EPO launches ‘Women in the Lead' mentorship programme

Together for Gender Diversity Conference