4.1 General
4.1.020Sole applicants must have their residence in, or be a national of, a PCT contracting state bound by PCT Chapter II. If there are two or more applicants, at least one of them must meet this requirement. Secondly, the international application must have been filed with a receiving Office of or acting for a PCT contracting state bound by PCT Chapter II.
Art. 31(2)(a) PCT
R. 18.1 PCT, R. 54.1 PCT, R. 54.2 PCT
Art. 152 EPC
WIPO PCT Guide 10.004, 10.017
4.1.021On 1 January 2023, all PCT contracting states were bound by Chapter II PCT and, therefore, these requirements do not stand in the way of any applicant wishing to file a demand for a pending international application.