2.27 What fees are due when filing an international application?
2.27.020The international filing fee is reduced by 90% if the requirements stipulated in item 5 of the PCT Schedule of Fees are met. If there are several applicants, each of them must satisfy the requirements for the reduction to apply.
Item 5 PCT Schedule of Fees
WIPO PCT Guide 5.188
PCT Newsletter 6/2015, 13
2.27.021In respect of applicants entitled to file an international application with the EPO as receiving Office (see point 2.1.002), the reduction applies if the applicant is a natural person who is a national of and resides in one of the following states: Albania (AL), Bulgaria (BG), Croatia (HR), Czech Republic (CZ), Estonia (EE), Greece (GR), Hungary (HU), Latvia (LV), Lithuania (LT), Malta (MT), Montenegro (ME), North Macedonia (MK), Poland (PL), Portugal (PT), Romania (RO), Serbia (RS), Slovakia (SK), Slovenia (SI), Turkey (TR). On 1 January 2023, these EPC/PCT contracting states fell within the criteria of item 5(a) of the PCT Schedule of Fees.
2.27.022If the application is filed by more than one applicant, only one must be a national and resident of one of the EPC/PCT contracting states listed above, but each applicant must fulfil the criteria mentioned under item 5 of the PCT Schedule of Fees.
2.27.023A list of states whose nationals/residents satisfy the requirements for a reduction is published on the WIPO website.48
2.27.024With the EPO acting as receiving Office, there is a reduction in the international filing fee if the application is filed in electronic form (see point 2.2.003). The level of the reduction depends on the format in which the application is filed. The details can be found on the EPO website49 and in the WIPO PCT Guide, Annex C (EP).
WIPO PCT Guide 5.189
2.27.025The PCT request form contains a Fee Calculation Sheet which applicants are asked to use for calculating fees. For possible reductions of the international (supplementary) search and preliminary examination fees when the EPO acts as ISA, SISA and/or IPEA, see points 3.1.024, 3.4.013 and 4.1.060.