Chapter 2 – The EPO as a PCT receiving Office
2.10.001It is recommended that the inventor always be identified (Box No. III, PCT request form) unless there are special reasons for not doing so. The name and address of the inventor must be furnished in the PCT request form if the applicant wants to enter the national phase of a state requiring that the data of the inventor be given in the request upon filing. The consequences of non-compliance are a matter of national law. For up-to-date information on the national law of each of the PCT contracting states, see the WIPO PCT Guide, Annex B.
Art. 4(1)(v) PCT
R. 4.1(a)(iv) PCT
WIPO PCT Guide 5.035-5.038
PCT Newsletter
8-9/2013, 8
PCT Newsletter 10/2020, 14
2.10.002In so far as the applicant aims to obtain a European patent, the data concerning the inventor – if not already submitted during the international phase – must be provided upon entry into the European phase (see points 5.2.006 and 5.12.001 ff).