4.3 Filing European patent applications
A revised version of this publication entered into force. |
Similarly, receipt of documents filed via EPO Online Filing 2.0 is acknowledged electronically by the EPO via an acknowledgement of receipt.
Receipt of documents filed via the EPO Web-Form Filing service is acknowledged electronically via an acknowledgment of receipt on the website once the files have been transferred. You can also request to have acknowledgement of receipt sent to you by email.
The receipt of documents filed using the EPO Contingency Upload Service is confirmed electronically by the EPO in the service. An acknowledgement of receipt is also sent separately in accordance with the provisions governing the filing of documents on paper.
The acknowledgements of receipt provided by the EPO's online filing tools also inform you of the European patent application number.
If you file your application on paper, the authority with which you file it acknowledges receipt without delay by sending you page 9 of the request for grant, on which it notes the date it received the application documents and the number of the application.