T 247/20 × View decision
Oral proceedings would serve no purpose if the parties were limited to present a mere repetition of the arguments put forward in writing. Instead, parties must be allowed to refine their arguments, even to build on them provided they stay within the framework of the arguments, and of course the evidence, submitted in a timely fashion in the written proceedings.
T 1857/19 × View decision
Regarding the question under which circumstances the mere deletion of a category of claims is not to be considered an amendment of a party's appeal case or could - at least - be seen as exceptional circumstances under Article 13(2) RPBA 2020, see reasons 1.1
T 2271/18 × View decision
A clear and detailed preliminary opinion provided by a board - rather than merely "drawing attention to matters that seem to be of particular significance for the decision to be taken" (cf. Article 15(1), fourth sentence, RPBA 2020) - is predominantly intended to give the party(ies) an opportunity to thoroughly prepare their arguments in response to it but not to file new submissions, such as new sets of claims, and to thereby arguably shift the focus regarding the issues on file to be decided in appeal proceedings. In particular, amendments submitted in response to such a preliminary opinion cannot give rise to "exceptional circumstances" within the meaning of Article 13(2) RPBA 2020 (see point 3.3 of the Reasons).
T 2117/17 × View decision
a) Besonders strenge Bedingungen sind an ein verspätetes Vorbringen einer offenkundigen Vorbenutzung geknüpft, insbesondere dann, wenn die Vorbenutzung durch die Verfahrensbeteiligten selbst erfolgt sein soll. Gerade in einem solchen Fall wäre von der Einsprechenden zu erwarten gewesen, Informationen über die eigenen Produkte schon vor der Einspruchsabteilung vorzubringen, um eine Zurückverweisung zu vermeiden (Punkt 4.2.8).
b) Obwohl zwar die Verfahrensschritte als solche in einem Vorrichtungsanspruch nicht unmittelbar Teil des Schutzumfangs sind, versteht die Fachperson aber, dass die Vorrichtung dazu eingerichtet sein muss, die Verfahrensschritte auszuführen (Punkt 5.2.3).
T 2091/18 × View decision
Das Streichen eines oder mehrerer unabhängiger Ansprüche stellt eine Änderung des Beschwerdevorbringens im Sinne von Artikel 13 (2) VOBK 2020 dar (siehe Punkte 3 und 4 der Entscheidungsgründe).
T 1386/18 × View decision
Transitional provisions - applicability of Article 13(1) RPBA 2020 to cases where the summons to oral proceedings were notified before the entry into force of the RPBA 2020 (see point 1 of the Reasons)
T 1790/17 × View decision
The purpose of the oral proceedings for the appellant is to better explain his case and for the Board to understand and clarify points which, perhaps, up to that point were not sufficiently clear. This is particularly relevant in ex parte cases where besides the applicant/appellant no other party is involved. If amendments resulting from such discussions were not possible, oral proceedings would be pointless. The new [substantially amended] auxiliary request was filed as a direct reaction following the exchange of arguments in the oral proceedings and addressing the objections and concerns the Board had. Furthermore, this request overcame the grounds on which the appealed decision was based. The Board considers the filing of such a request is justified by exceptional circumstances and therefore admits it into the proceedings. (See point 7 of the reasons)
T 1185/17 × View decision
See Reasons 3.3; auxiliary requests 7 to 10 not admitted into the proceedings due to a new lack of convergence caused by the filing of auxiliary requests 1 and 2, the latter not being taken into account under Article 13(2) RPBA 2020.
T 954/17 × View decision
At the third level of the convergent approach applicable in appeal proceedings in accordance with the revised version of the Rules of Procedure of the Boards of Appeal (RPBA 2020), the boards of appeal are free to use or not use the criteria set out in Article 13(1) RPBA 2020 when deciding, in the exercise of their discretion in accordance with Article 13(2) RPBA 2020, whether to admit an amendment made at this stage of the proceedings. This also holds true when Article 13 RPBA 2007, rather than Article 13(2) RPBA 2020, is to be applied. (See points 3.7 to 3.11 of the Reasons)
T 1707/17 × View decision
Article 13(2) RPBA 2020 requires the party not only to explain why the case involves exceptional circumstances, but also to explain why its amendment, in terms of both content and timing, represents a justified response to these circumstances. In particular, where a party seeks to amend its case at a very late stage in the proceedings, the cogent reasons referred to in Article 13(2) RPBA 2020 should include reasons why it was not possible to file such an amendment earlier (Reasons, point 2.4).
T 1569/17 × View decision
Zur Frage, ob das Streichen von Produktansprüchen keine Änderung des Beschwerdevorbringens im Sinne von Artikel 13(2) VOBK 2020 darstellt (siehe Punkt 4.3 der Entscheidungsgründe).
T 615/17 × View decision
La question de l'admissibilité ne doit pas dépendre d'un changement de mandataire qui relève du seul choix interne, voir stratégique du requérant (voir raisons, 4.1.6).
T 584/17 × View decision
In der dritten Stufe des nach der revidierten Fassung der Verfahrensordnung der Beschwerdekammern (VOBK 2020) im Beschwerdeverfahren anzuwendenden Konvergenzansatzes steht es der Kammer frei, die in Artikel 13 (1) VOBK 2020 angegebenen Kriterien heranzuziehen, wenn sie in Anwendung des Artikels 13 (2) VOBK 2020 und in Ausübung ihres Ermessens darüber entscheidet, ob eine in diesem Verfahrensstadium vorgenommene Änderung zugelassen wird. Dies gilt auch, wenn Artikel 13 (2) VOBK 2020 nicht anwendbar ist und stattdessen weiterhin Artikel 13 VOBK 2007 anzuwenden ist. (Siehe Punkte 1.2.7 bis 1.2.11 der Entscheidungsgründe)
T 84/17 × View decision
If the arguments in the appealed decision show that for the discretionary decision taken in the first instance some criteria weighed so heavily that other criteria cannot outweigh them, it is not always necessary that all criteria that could theoretically influence a discretionary decision concerning the admittance of a late filed request are discussed in the appealed decision (point 2.2.3) If the need to file amended requests does not arise owing to the submission of additional documents that are merely confirming the arguments on file but had existed before, the filing of such additional documents cannot always justify the filing of new (belated) requests (point 2.3).
T 2734/16 × View decision
1. Eine neue Angriffslinie auf die erfinderische Tätigkeit, die als Reaktion und unter Verwendung der von der Patentinhaberin mit der Einspruchserwiderung eingereichten Dokumente verfolgt wird, ist nicht per se als verspätet anzusehen. Sie kann aus Gründen der Waffengleichheit in das Einspruchsverfahren zugelassen werden, auch wenn die Dokumente im Ergebnis nicht relevanter als andere Dokumente sind (Siehe Punkt 1.4.1). 2. Das späte Einreichen von zufällig bekannt gewordenen Entgegenhaltungen ist nicht schon allein deswegen zulässig, weil sie in der japanischen Sprache verfasst sind und deren Auffindbarkeit deswegen unter Umständen erschwert gewesen sein mag. Dies gilt umso mehr, wenn dem Einreichenden die Bedeutung japanischer Unternehmen auf dem fraglichen technischen Gebiet bekannt war und deshalb Veranlassung zu rechtzeitigen umfassenden Recherchen bestand (Siehe Punkt 1.4.2).
T 2696/16 × View decision
Dient eine Übersetzung lediglich der Annehmlichkeit einer Partei, ist dies kein ausreichender Grund für das Stellen der Übersetzung durch das EPA (siehe Entscheidungsgründe 1.1). Da keine Gründe für die verspätete Einreichung der prima facie hochrelevanten Dokumente genannt wurden (und auch nicht erkennbar sind), kam die Kammer folglich zu dem Schluss, in Ausübung ihres Ermessens gemäß Artikel 12 (4) VOBK 2007 die Dokumente E12 bis E16 trotz ihrer hohen Relevanz nicht in das Verfahren zuzulassen, denn andernfalls könnte ein Einsprechender eine (hoch)relevante Entgegenhaltung immer ohne Weiteres erst mit der Beschwerdebegründung einreichen und darauf vertrauen, dass diese Entgegenhaltung im Beschwerdeverfahren wegen ihrer Relevanz zugelassen wird (siehe Entscheidungsgründe 1.2).
T 2486/16 × View decision
1. In applying Article 13(2) RPBA 2020 the Board may also rely on the criteria set out in Article 13(1) RPBA 2020 ... . The criteria of Article 13(1) RPBA 2020 may therefore supplement, but do not supplant, the separate requirements of Article 13(2) RPBA 2020 (Reasons, point 6.4.1).
2. When filing requests within the period mentioned in Article 13(2) RPBA 2020, the party, in providing its "cogent reasons", should not only identify the circumstances invoked and explain why they are to be regarded as "exceptional", it should also explain why these circumstances had the direct result of preventing the party from filing its requests at an earlier stage. (Reasons, point 6.5.6). 3. The mere fact that, in a communication under Article 15(1) RPBA 2020, the Board departs in some respects from the reasoning of the Examining Division on inventive step (while reaching the same conclusion) does not constitute "exceptional circumstances" within the meaning of Article 13(2) RPBA 2020, nor does it open the door to the filing of new requests as a response (Reasons, point 6.6.3).
T 1756/16 × View decision
Neuer Einwand nach Zustellung der Ladung zur mündlichen Verhandlung. Entscheidungsgründe,Punkte 3.5-3.10, insbesondere Punkt 3.9.
T 1480/16 × View decision
Die Streichung der Verfahrensansprüche in Hilfsantrag 5 gegenüber dem mit der Beschwerdeerwiderung eingereichten Hilfsantrag 3 wird nicht als Änderung des Beschwerdevorbringens gesehen, da sich dadurch keine geänderte Sachlage ergibt (siehe Punkte 2.3 der Gründe).
T 1187/16 × View decision
Falls sämtliche in einer Mitteilung der Kammer behandelten Einwände bereits Gegenstand des bisherigen Verfahrens waren, kann diese Mitteilung das Vorliegen außergewöhnlicher Umstände im Sinne von Art. 13 (2) VOBK 2020 nicht begründen (Punkt 3. der Entscheidungsgründe).
T 752/16 × View decision
Eine Änderung der vorläufigen Meinung der Kammer zu einem bestimmten Einspruchsgrund stellt keinen "außergewöhnlichen Umstand" im Sinne von Artikel 13(2) VOBK 2020 dar (siehe Punkt 3 der Entscheidungsgründe).
T 32/16 × View decision
Art. 13(1) RPBA 2020 and Art. 13 RPBA 2007 both apply (Points 1.1 to 1.1.3 of the Reasons); Art. 11 RPBA 2020 - adaptation of the description is not 'further prosecution' (see Point 5 of the Reasons)
T 2227/15 × View decision
Transitional provisions - applicability of Article 13(1) RPBA 2020 to cases where the summons to oral proceedings were notified before the entry into force of the RPBA 2020 (see point 1 of the Reasons) Form of decision - abridged form in respect of one or more issues (see point 2 of the Reasons)
T 2214/15 × View decision
If amendments intended to overcome objections of lack of support and lack of clarity raised in the summons give rise to further objections concerning clarity or added subject-matter, pointing out these further objections does not represent exceptional circumstances within the meaning of Article 13(2) RPBA 2020, but rather an ordinary development of the discussion which does not go beyond the framework of the initial objection. See reasons 5.3 and 5.4.
T 1875/15 × View decision
A board has in principle no discretion for not admitting late-filed arguments (T 1914/12 followed). However, if a late-filed objection includes new allegations of fact, the board has under Article 114(2) EPC the discretion not to admit it into the proceedings (reasons 2.1 to 2.5, 9.3 to 9.4).
T 989/15 × View decision
At the third level of the convergent approach applicable in appeal proceedings in accordance with the revised version of the Rules of Procedure of the Boards of Appeal (RPBA 2020), the boards of appeal are free to use or not use the criteria set out in Article 13(1) RPBA 2020 when deciding, in the exercise of their discretion in accordance with Article 13(2) RPBA 2020, whether to admit an amendment made at this stage of the proceedings. This also holds true when Article 13 RPBA 2007, rather than Article 13(2) RPBA 2020, is to be applied. (See section 16 of the Reasons)
T 62/15 × View decision
Evidence filed with the statement of grounds of appeal - prima facie relevance and interests of the public in valid patents not taken into account when deciding on admittance (point 1 of the reasons)
T 52/15 × View decision
Filing of a series of main requests resulting in each new main request being considered as replacing the previously filed main request. Procedural steps preventing the department of first instance from deciding on relevant issues. (See points 1.1-2.11 of the reasoning)
T 1695/14 × View decision
- Die Rücknahme eines Antrags kann ausdrücklich oder konkludent erfolgen. Eine konkludente Antragsrücknahme liegt vor, wenn sich aus den Umständen zweifelsfrei ergibt, dass bestimmte Anträge nicht weiterverfolgt werden sollen. - Werden Anträge, die im Beschwerdeverfahren zunächst gestellt und nachfolgend ausdrücklich oder konkludent zurückgenommen worden waren, später erneut eingereicht (wieder aufgegriffen), richtet sich ihre Zulassung nach den verfahrensrechtlichen Normen der VOBK, die für die Zulassung eines gänzlich neuen Antrags maßgeblich sind.
R 6/19 × View decision
The basis for a board's (and opposition division's) discretion to admit or not claim requests is Article 123(1)EPC, (see Reasons points 5 to 10).
J 14/19 × View decision
1.) Der Nachweis des Vorliegens der Voraussetzungen für die Aussetzung des Verfahrens nach Regel 14 (1) EPÜ muss während eines anhängigen Erteilungsverfahrens und somit vor Bekanntmachung des Hinweises auf die Erteilung im Europäischen Patentblatt erfolgen. Beweismittel, die erst nach diesem Zeitpunkt eingereicht werden, dürfen vom Europäischen Patentamt hierfür nicht berücksichtigt werden (Nr. 4.3 der Gründe).
2.) Die Frage zu welchem Zeitpunkt ein nationales Verfahren im Sinne der Regel 14 (1) EPÜ i.V.m. Artikel 61 (1) EPÜ als eingeleitet gilt, ist nach dem Verfahrensrecht jenes Staates zu beurteilen, dessen Gerichte zum Treffen einer Entscheidung im Sinne des Artikels 61 (1) EPÜ angerufen wurden (Nr. 6.1 und 6.2 der Gründe).
3.) Bei der Anwendung fremden Rechtes muss das Europäische Patentamt dieses, soweit möglich, im Gesamtzusammenhang der fremden Rechtsordnung anwenden. Dabei ist das Europäische Patentamt als von staatlichen Behörden und Gerichten unabhängige internationale Organisation nicht an die Rechtsprechung nationaler Gerichte zur Auslegung der anzuwendenden fremden Rechtsnorm gebunden. Sofern dem Europäischen Patentamt bekannt, sollte insbesondere höchstgerichtliche nationale Rechtsprechung bei der Entscheidungsfindung jedoch berücksichtigt und gewürdigt werden(Nr. 6.5 der Gründe).
4.) Fragen des Rechtsmissbrauchs stellen sich auch in den Verfahren vor dem Europäischen Patentamt (siehe etwa Artikel 16 (1) e) VOBK 2020). Zur Vermeidung von Wertungswidersprüchen sind derartige Fragen vom Europäischen Patentamt auch im Rahmen des Aussetzungsverfahrens autonom, also unabhängig von nationalen Rechtsordnungen zu beurteilen (Nr. 6.22 der Gründe).
5.) Die zweckwidrige Inanspruchnahme eines Rechtes kann unter Umständen Rechtsmissbrauch begründen. Dies ist etwa dann der Fall, wenn die Rechtsausübung überwiegend in Schädigungsabsicht erfolgt und andere, legitime Zwecke in den Hintergrund treten. Rechtsmissbrauch muss zweifelsfrei vorliegen und erfordert eine sorgfältige Prüfung und Abwägung der Einzelumstände. Die Beweislast trifft denjenigen, der sich auf Rechtsmissbrauch beruft (Nr. 13.1 der Gründe).
J 12/18 × View decision
Under Article 76(2) EPC only those Contracting States that had been designated in the earlier application at time of filing the divisional can be designated in the divisional. A designated state forfeited in the parent application at time of filing the divisional cannot be revived in the divisional one.
In T 156/15 the appellant filed auxiliary request 19 after the chairman had announced the results of the board's deliberation on the main request and auxiliary requests 1 to 18, and filed auxiliary request 20 after the chairman had announced the result of the board's deliberation on auxiliary request 19. By its behaviour, the appellant (patent proprietor) was, as a matter of fact, adjusting its strategy to the results of the board's deliberation, which put the appellant (opponent) in a position where it was difficult to react. In deciding on the admission of such late-filed requests, respect for the principle of fairness of the procedure might make it immediately apparent that these requests should not be admitted, even without also considering specific criteria for the exercise of the board's discretion such as prima facie allowability.
In T 656/16, auxiliary requests 8A and 8B were not filed until the oral proceedings before the board. The boards frequently take the approach of admitting requests not filed until after oral proceedings have been arranged only if, in particular, they are clearly or manifestly allowable, which means that it must be immediately apparent to the board, with little investigative effort on its part, that the amendments made successfully deal with the issues raised without giving rise to new ones. As auxiliary requests 8A and 8B did not meet that requirement, the board, exercising its discretion under Art. 13(3) RPBA 2007, decided at the oral proceedings not to admit them. The respondent (patent proprietor) then filed another auxiliary request (8C). However, the board considered that the respondent had already had an opportunity on filing auxiliary requests 8A and 8B to overcome the reservations it had expressed before their filing about the then pending requests. The respondent had consciously declined that opportunity, preferring instead to deal with the board's reservations only bit by bit. For reasons of fairness, in particular procedural fairness, and of procedural economy, neither the board nor the other parties to the proceedings could reasonably be expected to accept that. The board therefore exercised its discretion to refuse to admit auxiliary request 8C too. The patent was revoked.
In T 2072/16 the claim set of auxiliary request 15 was submitted for the first time at a late stage of the oral proceedings before the board. The appellant argued that the filing of that claim set was an appropriate reaction to the board's claim interpretation and novelty objection under Art. 54(3) EPC. It only now understood the interpretation, in particular of features (c), (d) and (f) of claim 1, as given in the board's preliminary opinion and thus had to be given an opportunity to react properly. As regards the issue of whether filing the new auxiliary request was indeed an "appropriate reaction" to any unforeseeable development or objection becoming apparent during the oral proceedings, the board had to establish whether a development was unforeseeable and whether the reaction was indeed filed at the earliest point in time, i.e. whether it was an immediate reaction to an objection (see e.g. T 1990/07, T 1354/11) and whether it attempted to at least address – if not resolve – the outstanding objections, i.e. whether it was causally linked to the features objected to. In the case in hand, the board's communication clearly indicated the board's interpretation of claim 1 and its provisional opinion that features (a) to (f) and (i) did not appear to establish novelty over document A2. The earliest point in time at which a party should make new submissions (such as an amended claim set) must be the time at which – on an objective basis – an unforeseeable event (such as a fresh objection) becomes apparent during the proceedings. Accordingly, the earliest point in time for filing the amendment according to feature (c') could have been, for example, upon submitting the appellant's response to the board's communication under Art. 15(1) RPBA 2007. The board decided not to admit the auxiliary request 15 into the appeal proceedings under Art. 13(1) RPBA 2007.
The board in T 1914/12 held (contrary to T 1621/09) that the boards did not have any discretion when it came to the admissibility of late-filed arguments based on facts already in the proceedings. Invoking Art. 114 EPC, which in English referred to arguments (as well as to facts and evidence) in paragraph 1, but not in paragraph 2, it concluded that the discretion conferred by paragraph 2 did not extend to late-filed arguments and observed that this was in line with the pre-2011 case law (e.g. T 92/92, T 861/93, T 131/01, T 704/06, T 926/07 and T 1553/07). It noted that two decisions had been taken in September 2011 – T 1069/08 and T 1621/09 – in which that case law had been questioned on the basis of Art. 13(1) in conjunction with Art. 12(2) RPBA 2007 and it had been concluded that the boards did have some discretion when it came to late-filed arguments. However, it was unconvinced by the reasoning underlying these decisions. Their interpretation ignored the fact that Art. 114(2) EPC provided no justification for such discretion, as the older case law had held many times. In English at least, the EPC, and in particular Art. 114 EPC, treated facts and arguments differently. More specifically, Art. 114(2) EPC explicitly conferred discretion for late-filed facts but not for late-filed arguments based on facts already in the proceedings. In the board's view the RPBA, although they could provide more detail on and help in interpreting the EPC, could not give the boards powers that the EPC did not.
In T 47/18 the statement of grounds of appeal contained neither an objection of lack of clarity of the claims nor an objection under Art. 123(2) EPC. It contained only submissions with respect to inventive step. It was only after the parties had been summoned to oral proceedings that the opponent raised such objections. The board referred to the established case law that new objections, which had not been raised in the statement of grounds of appeal, were considered an amendment to a party's case. Admission of such objections was at the discretion of the board pursuant to Art. 13(1) and/or 13(3) RPBA 2007 (T 996/15 for a new objection under Art. 84 EPC; T 682/11 for a new objection under Art. 123(3) EPC; T 1307/13 for a new objection regarding the validity of the priority claim). The board stated that, furthermore, the objections in question also did not merely constitute a new argument (T 1914/12, see above) because they went beyond submissions serving to underpin the facts, evidence and grounds filed in good time. Rather, they were based on new legal grounds (G 4/92, OJ EPO 1994,149 point 10 of the Reasons) that had not been addressed before in the appeal proceedings. The board pointed out that the appellant could have raised the objections in question at several instances in the proceedings before the opposition division. There was no sound reason to raise these objections at such a late stage of the proceedings, i.e. only about two months before the oral proceedings before the board.
In T 603/14 the board exercised its discretion not to consider the late-filed objection of lack of inventive step in view of D1 and D3. The appellant raised this objection for the first time in the oral proceedings before the board. The documents formed part of the appeal proceedings. The board stated that the objection represented an amendment to the appellant's case and might as such, pursuant to Art. 13(1) RPBA 2007, be admitted and considered at its discretion. Document D1 and D3 had up to that point only been used to support objections of lack of novelty of claim 1 and claim 25. At least the allegation that they led, in combination, to a lack of inventive step was to the board a new fact. The appellant did not present a convincing justification for the late submission of this alleged new fact. The board's preliminary opinion on the disclosure of D1 did not introduce any new aspects into the discussion. The annex to the summons stated clearly that any further comments, documents or requests should be at the disposal of the board and the other party one month before the oral proceedings at the latest and should not surprise the other party and the board. Admittance of the objection at this late stage would therefore not have respected the required procedural efficiency. Rather it might even have borne the risk of having to adjourn the oral proceedings. Even if one accepted that D1, having been cited to support an objection of lack of novelty, could have been expected to be used as a starting point for an objection of lack of inventive step, the other party could not be expected to anticipate any arbitrary combination of D1 with other documents on file, such as D3, to be introduced into the proceedings. Furthermore, a document useful for assessing novelty is not necessarily a legitimate choice as closest prior art; see also T 181/17.
In T 52/15 the proprietor (appellant) filed a new "main request" every time the opposition division announced its opinion that the previous main request did not comply with the requirements of the EPC. Since the opposition division was of the opinion that the last main request did not comply with Art. 56 EPC, it revoked the patent. The appealed decision dealt only with this last main request. The proprietor requested that the decision be set aside and that the patent be maintained as granted or, alternatively, on the basis of one of auxiliary requests 1 to 4, which differed substantially from the request which was decided upon in the appealed decision. The proprietor argued that the previously filed main requests had not been withdrawn. Each new request was meant to supersede the previous one for the purpose of discussion only, but not to replace it. The board noted that the opposition division did not err when considering that each newly filed "main request" was clearly meant to replace the previously filed one/s. The board emphasised that the withdrawal of a request was a serious procedural step which was usually announced explicitly by a party via a corresponding statement and that any such statement must be mentioned in the minutes (see T 361/08). However, an explicit withdrawal was not required if a party's behaviour or procedural steps it took during the proceedings made its intention unequivocal (see T 388/12). The board also highlighted the fact that, according to established EPO practice, parties filing more than one request must specify which request is the main request, which is/are the auxiliary request(s), and, if there are several auxiliary requests, their ranking (see e.g. R 14/10). The board concluded that the written decision of the opposition division was based on the only request that was pending when the decision to revoke the patent was orally announced. The main request and auxiliary requests 1 and 2 were filed with the statement setting out the grounds of appeal and corresponded to the proprietor's initial request and two auxiliary requests filed during the oral proceedings before the opposition division. These requests differed substantially from the request which was decided upon in the appealed decision. The board stated that the reintroduction of previously withdrawn requests on appeal ran counter to the main purpose of inter partes appeal proceedings, namely to give the losing party the possibility of challenging the decision of the opposition division on its merits. The board also noted that although there have been decisions where the boards have allowed patent proprietors to reinstate broader requests which had been withdrawn or not maintained during the opposition proceedings, numerous decisions have also been issued in which the board's discretion has been applied in a strict manner and such requests have not been admitted into the appeal proceedings (see T 390/07, T 361/08, T 671/08, T 922/08, T 1525/10, T 140/12, T 1697/12, T 143/14). This appeared to be the current predominant approach applied by the boards. The requests were not admitted into the appeal proceedings (Art. 12(4) RPBA 2007).
In T 1695/14 the auxiliary request in question, which the patent proprietor had filed during the oral proceedings, was the same as one of the auxiliary requests it had filed with its grounds of appeal. But the proprietor had not then pursued that original auxiliary request in the written proceedings, instead filing new auxiliary requests with a written submission stating that it wanted them to replace its previous ones. The board interpreted this statement as an implicit withdrawal of the auxiliary request; requests could be withdrawn either explicitly or implicitly, the latter being when the circumstances left no doubt that a party no longer wished to pursue them (see T 388/12, T 52/15). Requests not later pursued as the main or an auxiliary request, but (implicitly) withdrawn, did not remain in the proceedings; procedural law provided for current and withdrawn requests, but not for ones on hold. The board then considered the relevant criteria for admitting a resubmitted request. Since a withdrawn request no longer formed part of the proceedings (see T 1732/10, T 143/14), its admission on resubmission later in them was subject to the same procedural standards as applied to an entirely new one (see T 1732/10, T 122/10); this was the boards' settled case law. Hence a request initially filed on appeal but implicitly or explicitly withdrawn later on in the proceedings had to be considered a new request when subsequently refiled. Its admission was then governed in particular by Art. 13 RPBA 2007 and the criteria for exercising discretion under it developed by the case law.
In T 1280/14 the respondent (patent proprietor) did not make clear until the oral hearing that it now still intended to pursue only its third and sixth lines of defence. It had refiled with its reply 15 auxiliary requests that the opposition division had not examined because it had granted the main request. Although the board had already found fault in its preliminary opinion with the various alternative lines of defence formed by these requests, the respondent did not reveal until the oral proceedings that it from then on intended to pursue only two of them. Holding that the respondent should have communicated this change to its requests in due time, i.e. no later than one month before the oral proceedings, and that its conduct had therefore been at odds with the need for procedural economy, the board refused to admit its two remaining auxiliary requests and revoked the patent.
4. New submissions on appeal
You are viewing the 9th edition (2019) of this publication; for the 10th edition (2022) see here |
- T 247/20
- T 1857/19
- T 2455/18
- T 2271/18
- T 2117/17
- T 2091/18
- T 1386/18
- T 1790/17
- T 1185/17
- T 852/18
- T 884/18
- T 954/17
- T 1707/17
- T 1569/17
- T 615/17
- T 584/17
- T 101/17
- T 84/17
- T 2072/16
- T 2734/16
- T 2696/16
- T 2486/16
- T 2475/16
- T 1756/16
- T 1480/16
- T 1187/16
- T 950/16
- T 752/16
- T 656/16
- T 634/16
- T 32/16
- T 2227/15
- T 2214/15
- T 1875/15
- T 989/15
- T 62/15
- T 52/15
- T 1695/14
- T 603/14
- R 6/19
- J 14/19
- J 12/18
- Case law 2021
- Case law 2020
- Case law 2019