T 116/18 × View decision
The following questions are referred to the Enlarged Board of Appeal for decision. If for acknowledgement of inventive step the patent proprietor relies on a technical effect and has submitted evidence, such as experimental data, to prove such an effect, this evidence not having been public before the filing date of the patent in suit and having been filed after that date (post-published evidence): 1. Should an exception to the principle of free evaluation of evidence (see e.g. G 3/97, Reasons 5, and G 1/12, Reasons 31) be accepted in that post-published evidence must be disregarded on the ground that the proof of the effect rests exclusively on the post-published evidence? 2. If the answer is yes (the post-published evidence must be disregarded if the proof of the effect rests exclusively on this evidence), can the post-published evidence be taken into consideration if, based on the information in the patent application in suit or the common general knowledge, the skilled person at the filing date of the patent application in suit would have considered the effect plausible (ab initio plausibility)? 3. If the answer to the first question is yes (the post-published evidence must be disregarded if the proof of the effect rests exclusively on this evidence), can the post-published evidence be taken into consideration if, based on the information in the patent application in suit or the common general knowledge, the skilled person at the filing date of the patent application in suit would have seen no reason to consider the effect implausible (ab initio implausibility)?
T 1418/17 × View decision
1. Hinsichtlich der von der Einspruchsabteilung vorgenommenen Feststellung der relevanten Fakten ist zu berücksichtigen, dass vor dem Europäischen Patentamt anerkanntermaßen der Grundsatz der freien Beweiswürdigung gilt, was auch Auswirkungen auf die Überprüfung im Beschwerdeverfahren haben muss.
2. Soweit kein Rechtsanwendungsfehler vorliegt (etwa ein falscher Beweismaßstab angewandt wurde), sollte eine Beschwerdekammer daher die Beweiswürdigung eines erstinstanzlichen Spruchkörpers nur aufheben und durch ihre eigene ersetzen, wenn diese erkennbar (i) wesentliche Gesichtspunkte nicht berücksichtigt hat, oder (ii) sachfremde Erwägungen mit einbezogen hat oder (iii) einen Verstoß gegen die Denkgesetze, etwa logische Fehler und Widersprüche in der Begründung, erkennen lässt.
T 2218/16 × View decision
Sufficiency of disclosure - burden of proof, Novelty - new clinical situation
T 1604/16 × View decision
The boards have competence to review appealed decisions in full, including points of law and fact. This applies also to findings of fact of the department of first instance which are based, at least in part, on the evaluation of witness evidence obtained in the course of hearing a witness (reasons, point 3.1 and sub-points).
G. Law of evidence
You are viewing the 9th edition (2019) of this publication; for the 10th edition (2022) see here |
- T 734/18
- T 116/18
- T 1418/17
- T 2218/16
- T 1604/16
- Case law 2021
- Case law 2020