Adhésion universitaire

Des universités européennes majeures implantées dans 38 pays ont signé un mémorandum d'accord avec l'OEB et l'EUIPO en tant que partenaires stratégiques du programme "Pan-European Seal".


Polytechnic University of Tirana

Faculty of Justice, University of Tirana


University of Innsbruck

Vienna University of Technology

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)

University of Vienna

University of Graz

Technical University of Graz

Central European University

Montanuniversität Leoben


Center for IT & IP Law (CiTiP), KU Leuven

College of Europe in Bruges

Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

University of Antwerp

University of Ghent

University of Liège

Bosnie et Herzégovine

University of Banja Luka


University of National and World Economy

Sofia University “St. KIiment Ohridski”

Technical University of Sofia


University of Split


University of Cyprus

European University Cyprus

République tchèque

Faculty of Law, Masaryk

University Institute for Legal Protection of Intellectual Property, Metropolitan University Prague

Charles University of Prague


University of Copenhagen


Tallinn University of Technology


Hanken School of Economics

Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki

University of Turku

Aalto University


The University of Strasbourg

Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciences, Lille 2 University of Health and Law

Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University

Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne University (Master 2 Propriétés Industrielles et Artistique)

Toulouse 1 University Capitole

Paris Tech

École de Design Nantes Atlantique

University Lumière Lyon II

Université Paris-Saclay

Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC)

University of Poitiers

University  of  Reims  Champagne-Ardenne


Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU), Faculty of Law, LL.M. of Intellectual Property Law

Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition- and Media Law, Faculty of Law, Dresden University of Technology

Munich Intellectual Property Law Center - MIPLC

Technical University of Munich (TUM)

Faculty of Law, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU)

Friedrich Schiller University, Jena

Europa-Institut, Law Department, University of Saarland

University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt


International Hellenic University

The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - Law School

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Democritus

University of Thrace

University of Western Macedonia


Eötvös Lorànd University

Óbuda University

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design


University of Iceland


Trinity College Dublin

UCD Sutherland School of Law, University College Dublin


Bocconi University

University of LUISS Guido Carli

University of Messina

University of Brescia

University of Udine

Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies

University of Turin

University of Pisa

University of Parma

University Politecnico di Torino (Polito)

University of Milan

University of Bologna

University of Calabria

European University Institute, Florence

University of Trento

University of Verona

University of Florence

University of Urbino

University of Insubria

LUM Giuseppe Degennaro


Riga Technical University

University of Latvia

University of Turība


Kaunas University of Technology

Vilnius University

Vytautas Magnus University


University of Luxembourg


University of Malta


University of Montenegro

Macédoine du Nord

Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje


Maastricht University Saxion

University of Applied Sciences

University of Utrecht, CIPL - Utrecht School of Law

University of Amsterdam

University of Groningen

Erasmus University Rotterdam


University of Oslo

UiT The Arctic University of Norway


Faculty of Law, Jagiellonian University

Faculty of Law and Administration, Lazarski University

Centre for Intellectual Property Law, University of Gdansk

University of Warsaw

Kozminski University

College of Europe in Natolin

University of Silesia, Katowice

Kazimierz Wielki University

Maria Curie-Sklodowska University


Universidade Católica Portuguesa

NOVA University Lisbon

University of Minho

Instituto Superior Técnico

University of Coimbra

University of Lisbon - Faculty of Science

ISEG Lisbon School of Economics & Management

Instituto Politecnico de Castelo Branco

Algarve University


Babeș-Bolyai University

West University of Timișoara

Transilvania University of Braṣov

University Constantin Brâncuṣi from Târgu-Jiu

Saint Marin

University of San Marino


University of Belgrade

Niš University


University of Trnava


University of Ljubljana


University Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)

Fundacion ESADE

IE University

University of Alicante

University of Valencia

Pompeu Fabra University

Polytechnic University of Valencia

Escuela de Arte y Superior Diseño de Alicante (EASDA)

Autonomous University of Madrid

Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM)

ESCP Business School Madrid Campus


Lund University - Faculty of Law

Stockholm University - Department of Law (SULaw)


University of Bern

University of Geneva (UNIGE)


Istanbul Bilgi University

Istanbul Technical University

Koç University


Bournemouth University

School of Law, University of Leeds

Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Leeds

Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Leeds

Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London

University of Stirling

Faculty of Law (CIPIL) and the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge

University of Portsmouth

University of Glasgow

University College London

University of Liverpool

Brunel University of London

University of Exeter

D'autres universités seront contactées directement par l'OEB et/ou l'EUIPO et invitées à participer au programme.

Critères de participation

Un mémorandum d'accord présentant les conditions relatives à la coopération dans les domaines de la sensibilisation à la PI et de l'apprentissage de cette dernière au titre du programme "Pan-European Seal" est mis à disposition des universités qui manifestent un intérêt pour le programme.

Critères de participation (propres à chaque université/domaine académique) :

  • Historique de coopération avec l'OEB/EUIPO
  • Participation aux réseaux de PI (par ex. l'EIPIN, l'EIPTN, l'ATRIP)
  • Programmes de PI (centres de PI, cours relatifs à la PI – LL.M., MBA, masters, PhD, postdocs, etc. – voire contenus relatifs à la PI, séminaires, etc.) proposés dans des États membres de l'OEB et de l'EUIPO
  • Centres de recherche sur la PI et/ou sur le transfert de technologies
  • Programmes couvrant des domaines académiques éligibles
  • Programmes de mobilité internationale (par ex. Erasmus)
  • Enseignement multilingue
  • Utilisation d'outils de formation en ligne
  • Titulaire du label ECTS
  • Titulaire du label Supplément au Diplôme
  • Classement THE (Times Higher Education)
  • Classement CWTS Leiden

Le programme "Pan-European Seal" ne doit pas être confondu avec une procédure d'accréditation ou de certification de qualité. Les universités qui n'ont pas été contactées et qui souhaiteraient participer au programme peuvent envoyer leur candidature pour devenir membres du réseau "Pan-European Seal" par courriel à l'adresse