Article 15
(1)The Presidium shall be composed of the President of the Court of Appeal, who shall act as chairperson, the President of the Court of First Instance, two judges of the Court of Appeal elected from among their number, three judges of the Court of First Instance who are full-time judges of the Court elected from among their number, and the Registrar as a non-voting member.
(2)The Presidium shall exercise its duties in accordance with this Statute. It may, without prejudice to its own responsibility, delegate certain tasks to one of its members.
(3)The Presidium shall be responsible for the management of the Court and shall in particular:
(a)draw up proposals for the amendment of the Rules of Procedure in accordance with Article 41 of the Agreement and proposals regarding the Financial Regulations of the Court;
(b)prepare the annual budget, the annual accounts and the annual report of the Court and submit them to the Budget Committee;
(c)establish the guidelines for the training programme for judges and supervise the implementation thereof;
(d)take decisions on the appointment and removal of the Registrar and the Deputy-Registrar;
(e)lay down the rules governing the Registry including the sub-registries;
(f)give an opinion in accordance with Article 83(5) of the Agreement.
(4)Decisions of the Presidium referred to in Articles 7, 8, 10 and 22 shall be taken without the participation of the Registrar.
(5)The Presidium can take valid decisions only when all members are present or duly represented. Decisions shall be taken by a majority of the votes.