Zoom VICOs in opposition proceedings are not end-to-end encrypted (E2EE). Does this pose a risk?

Zoom provides what the company calls "advanced encryption", which encrypts the network communication between each Zoom client and the Zoom servers. Zoom itself is able to decrypt the traffic at its servers, e.g. to provide recordings of the videoconference. This level of security is comparable to that offered by similar platforms such as Microsoft Teams or Skype. In all of these cases, eavesdropping by any third party is prevented by the encryption.

Since November 2020, Zoom has provided genuine end-to-end encryption where only the participants in the VICO can decrypt the video and audio streams, and eavesdropping even by the software provider is prevented. A version with E2EE was rolled out at the EPO in February 2021. However, E2EE is currently not compatible with some of Zoom's advanced features, such as breakout rooms, that are used for oral proceedings in opposition.