Why is it important for me to check the text communicated under Rule 71(3) EPC?

If you pay the fees under Rule 71(3)-(4) EPC and file the translations under Rule 71(3) EPC you are deemed to have approved the text communicated to you under Rule 71(3) EPC and to have verified the bibliographic data in that communication.

Once you have approved it, the text forms the basis for the decision to grant a European patent, and will be published in this form. That is why it is important that you should check it first.

According to decision G 1/10 of the Enlarged Board of Appeal, where an applicant does not, where necessary, request reasoned amendments or corrections to the communicated text before it is approved, the responsibility for any errors remaining in that text after grant are his alone (G 1/10 of the Enlarged Board of Appeal of 23 July 2012 (OJ EPO 2013, 194, point 11 of the reasons).
