If I file a request for early processing of a Euro-PCT application, can I use the automatic debiting procedure to pay the fees?

If you file a request for early processing and you wish to pay your fees via automatic debit order, you should bear in mind that automatic debiting can only be performed if the EPO can establish whether or not a page fee needs to be included as part of the filing fee. This is only possible if the EPO has access to the documents referred to in Article 20 PCT, i.e. if

  • the international application has already been published at the time the request for early processing is received,
  • the EPO is the receiving Office, or
  • the EPO acts as (S)ISA or IPEA.

If these requirements are not met, you should choose another means of payment. If you nevertheless wish to use automatic debiting, the fees due will be debited on the date of receipt of the documents referred to in Article 20 PCT from the International Bureau under Rule 47.4 PCT. In this case, the date on which the request for early processing takes effect will be postponed to that date.
