Patents and innovation in European universities: empowering academic inventors

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On 22 October, the EPO's Observatory on Patents and Technology will hold an online event on technology transfer and academic innovation in Europe.

Event details

Registration open
10:00 - 12:00 h
Online event


The following programme is preliminary and might be subject to changes.

Please note that the time zone for the programme is CEST and timings are subject to change.

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

10.00-10.05 hrs


Opening remarks

EPO President António Campinos will share welcoming remarks, reflecting on the important role which universities play in innovation and at the EPO.

António Campinos, President, European Patent Office

10.05-10.15 hrs


Latest trends in academic patents in Europe

The EPO’s Chief Economist will unveil the details of a new economic study on academic patents and university innovation. He will also present on the new version of the Deep Tech Finder, which will enable investors to find universities and spin-offs with European patent applications.

Yann Ménière, Chief Economist, European Patent Office

10.15-11.00 hrs


Expert panel: Driving innovation in European universities

Expert speakers from universities along with pan-European  stakeholders and policymakers in technology transfer, education, research and innovation, will discuss trends in university innovation in patents in Europe as well as future policy considerations.

To be confirmed

11.00-11.45 hrs


Interactive workshops on spinout development, IP strategies and entrepreneurial education

Three simultaneous workshops each with distinct perspectives will analyse the state of innovation in European universities and study best practices.

These workshops are:

  • From lab to launch - success stories of spinouts,
  • Finding the best IP strategies and policies for technology transfer in universities,
  • Embedding IP and entrepreneurship education in universities.

To be confirmed

11.45-12.00 hrs


Closing remarks: Reflections and future areas of focus

Key study insights and reflections from the event will be shared.

To be confirmed

Speakers and panellists

To be announced.

More information

Disruptive technologies and the future of innovation seem to increasingly rely on academic research. The role of universities in technology transfer—through licensing, research contracts, spin-out companies and collaborative projects—continues to grow. This is especially true in cutting-edge fields like AI or quantum computing. Now, more than ever, understanding how to transform academic research into valuable IP assets, especially patents, is crucial for Europe.

To mark its first anniversary, the EPO’s Observatory on Patents and Technology is hosting an online event tailored for universities, researchers, policymakers and everyone passionate about innovation. At this event, we will address a key challenge: while Europe excels in research, effectively bringing these results to the market remains difficult. Our event aims to provide fresh perspectives that go beyond conventional measures, offering a comprehensive understanding of academic patenting across Europe.

Be the first to explore a new economic study on academic patents, showcasing the latest trends and presenting a comprehensive landscape of academic patenting activities and innovation environments in Europe. We will also present the newest version of the Deep Tech Finder, which will allow you to find and map university-filed European patent applications and university spin-offs. This will give you easy access to hundreds of patent documents from universities across Europe, helping you understand the vibrant landscape of European academic innovation.

Engage with key figures in university management, leading economists, technology transfer professionals and successful spin-off founders through dynamic panel discussions and workshops. Gain valuable insights and share best practices with pioneers in university innovation and business-university collaboration.

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to be at the forefront of academic innovation in Europe. Register now to secure your spot and join us to better understand the future of innovation!