IT Italy
Payment of national patent fees - Corrigendum
In the light of Italy's rules and regulations, point 7 of the information relating to the methods of payment in Italy as published in OJ EPO 2007, 455 has to be rectified.
The correct information is as follows:
7. Method of payment (giro accounts)
For any fee payment in Italy relating to a European patent, the name of the payee is "Agenzia delle Entrate – Centro Operativo di Pescara".
The new giro account details are as follows:
(a) For European patent renewal fees only:
Giro account ("conto corrente postale") No.: 81016008
(b) For other fees (e.g. for filing or for transfers of rights):
Giro account ("conto corrente postale") No.: 668004
These giro accounts cannot be used for direct national or international bank or giro transfers, but only for payments made using the appropriate transfer form (Ch. 8quater) at an Italian post office. The payment voucher (Section 4) has to be presented to the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM, Ufficio G5). The purpose of the payment must be stated.
The date considered as the effective payment date is the date of inpayment at an Italian post office (date stamp).
Updating the EPO information brochure "National law relating to the EPC"
Users of this brochure (13th edition) should amend accordingly the information in Table VIII, columns 2, 3 and 4.