ES Spain
Payment of fees in Spain
The Spanish Patent and Trademark Office has informed us that the bank account for renewal fees and other fees concerning European patents in Spain has changed.
Details of the new account are as follows:
Bank: La Caixa
Account no.: 2100 4770 15 0200015684
Address: Paseo de la Castellana, nĀ° 52, Madrid
Besides, the date considered as the effective payment date is no longer the "date of inpayment at an ES post office", but the "date of inpayment at a post office".
Updating of the EPO information brochure "National law relating to the EPC"
Users of the EPO information brochure "National law relating to the EPC" (11th edition) are asked to make the appropriate amendments in Table VIII, column 2, and column 4, letter (c).