Introduction to EASY seminar
The Introduction to EASY seminars held at various locations during 1995 proved popular amongst current and potential users of the EPO EASY (Electronic Application SYstem) software as a means of acquainting themselves (further) with the workings of the software, with the latest developments and with future plans for the EASY project.
The EASY Team at the EPO is therefore continuing this successful formula into 1996.
The half-day sessions comprise a brief history of the development of EASY, including details on the current status of the project. This is followed by a demonstration of the software, after which participants are given an opportunity to gain hands-on experience with the software, to ask questions and to give their initial impressions and comments. These sessions also prove to be a useful forum for exchange of experiences amongst those already using the software at their own premises.
Finally, participants have a chance to see developments towards the 1.0 version of the EASY software, due for release in mid-1996.
The next seminar will be held at our premises in Munich on Friday, 22 March 1996; there will be a morning and an afternoon session. Anyone interested is invited to register with the EASY Team at The Hague, stating their preference for attendance at the morning or afternoon session. Further details of time and exact location will be supplied subsequent to registration. These sessions are free of charge.
Please contact the EASY Team (also for general information on the EASY project) as follows:
Tel.: + 31 70 340 2669 (answerphone)
Fax.: + 31 70 340 3975
e-mail: CompuServe: 100336.3413
Postal address: EASY Team
Attn.: Liz Parker
European Patent Office
Patentlaan 2