National Law relating to EPC, X. Miscellaneous, United Kingdom
Contracting states
Validation/Extension states
Contracting state | United Kingdom |
1Simultaneous protection allowed? |
To the extent that it protects the same invention, the comptroller may revoke the national patent after the date on which (a) the period for filing the notice of opposition to the European patent expires without such notice being filed, or (b) the opposition proceedings are finally closed, the European patent having been maintained. Sect. 73 PA |
2Territorial field of application |
Territory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of the Isle of Man* Sect. 131, 132 PA |
* For information on the registrability of European patents (UK) in overseas states or territories, see the information in OJ EPO 2009, 546 and OJ EPO 2018, A97.