National Law relating to EPC, VIII. Payment of fees, Slovakia
Contracting state | Slovakia |
1National provisions |
PA |
2Payee Bank details |
Úrad priemyselného vlastníctva SR Štátna pokladnica BIC: SPSRSKBA (a) Renewal fees for European patents: IBAN: SK53 8180 0000 0070 0011 9169 (b) Other fees: IBAN: SK49 8180 0000 0070 0006 0750 Important: Please state with each payment the following details: – the name of the respective account: (a) Účet európskych patentov Úrad priem. vlast. SR BB (for renewal fees), or (b) Depozitný účet Úrad priemysel. vlastníctva SR BB (for other fees) and, in each case, – the variable symbol described below which is needed to identify the European patent application or European patent concerned. The variable symbol consists of a 10-digit numerical code composed as follows: 9 y y y y y y y y y where: 9 = prefix – European patent application/European patent yyyyyyyyy = publication number of the European patent application (without A or B) |
3Methods of payment |
(a) Postal money order (b) Bank transfer § 7(5) Fees Law |
4Date considered as the effective payment date |
Date on which it is credited to the account indicated in section 2; if the fee was debited from the bank account on the last day of the period for payment, the period is considered to have been respected. |