A number of "national fees" are payable to the patent authorities of the contracting states in connection with the provisions of the EPC or to those of the extension and validation states under their applicable national laws (see Tables II, III, IV, VI, VII, IX).
The purpose of the following Table is to facilitate these fee payments by setting out some useful information regarding national legal provisions, accounts held by patent authorities, permissible methods of payment and date considered as the effective payment date.
There is no special mention of common principles and practice governing payment transactions, such as the requirement to state the name of the person making payment and the purpose of the payment and to specify the patent application number or publication number.
References to banks, post offices or postal giro offices denote only the relevant institution or office within the territory of the contracting state in question.
When making payments, allowance should be made for charges which may be levied by banks, especially on incoming foreign transfers, and which it is not the responsibility of the national patent authorities to pay.