National Law relating to EPC, VII. Conversion of European patent applications or patents into national patent applications, Lithuania
Contracting state | Lithuania |
1Basis for conversion |
Deemed withdrawal pursuant to Art. 77(3) EPC Deemed withdrawal pursuant to Art. 14(2) EPC because the translation in the language of the proceedings was not filed in time Art. 82(1) PL |
2Procedural steps to be taken |
(a) Payment of national filing fee (EUR 86 plus EUR 14 for the 16th and each subsequent claim) (b) Filing, in triplicate, of a Lithuanian translation Art. 82(2) PL |
3Time limit for taking procedural steps referred to in section 2 |
1 month after receipt by the State Patent Bureau of the request. Art. 15(2) PL |
4Must a national professional representative be appointed? |
Yes, but authorised professional representative before the EPO is not required to file a new authorisation. However, an address for service in Lithuania must be given. Art. 14(3) PL |
5Special features |
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