2.2 Withdrawal of the international application
2.2 Withdrawal of the international application
Applicants may address a notice of withdrawal of their international application to the IB, the RO or, where a demand has been filed, to the IPEA, and may do so at any time prior to the expiration of 30 months from the priority date.
The EPO as RO or IPEA will mark the notice of withdrawal of the international application with the date on which it was received and promptly transmit it to the IB.
For information on the refund of the international filing fee in the event of withdrawal of the international application, see GL/PCT‑EPO A‑III, 9.1; for information on the refund of the international search fee, see GL/PCT‑EPO A‑III, 9.2.
PCT AI sections 326 and 609