Chapter III – The European Patent Office
Article 11
Appointment of senior employees
A revised version of the European Patent Convention entered into force on 13 December 2007. The provisions of the revised Convention apply unless the transitional provisions provide for the applicability of the EPC 1973. |
(1) The President of the European Patent Office shall be appointed by decision of the Administrative Council.
(2) The Vice-Presidents shall be appointed by decision of the Administrative Council after the President has been consulted.
(3) The members, including the Chairmen, of the Boards of Appeal and of the Enlarged Board of Appeal shall be appointed by decision of the Administrative Council, taken on a proposal from the President of the European Patent Office. They may be re-appointed by decision of the Administrative Council after the President of the European Patent Office has been consulted.
(4) The Administrative Council shall exercise disciplinary authority over the employees referred to in paragraphs 1 to 3.