Correction of decision to grant - yes
Reimbursement of the appeal fee - yes
Reasons for a decision - insufficient
Reasons for a decision - insufficient
1 - 8 of 8 search results
Correction of decision to grant - yes
Reimbursement of the appeal fee - yes
Reasons for a decision - insufficient
Reasons for a decision - insufficient
Competence of the boards of appeal
Refusal of a correction of the decision to grant
Zuständigkeit der Beschwerdekammern
Zurückweisung einer Berichtigung des Erteilungsbeschlusses
Compétence des chambres de recours
Rejet d'une rectification de la décision de délivrance
Competence of the Boards of Appeal
Refusal of a correction of the decision to grant
Berichtigung des Erteilungsbeschlusses - bejaht
Rückzahlung der Beschwerdegebühr - bejaht
Entscheidungsgründe - unzureichend
Reasons for a decision - insufficient
Correction of decision to grant - yes
Reimbursement of the appeal fee - yes
Reasons for a decision - insufficient
Rectification de la décision de délivrance - oui
Remboursement de la taxe de recours - oui
Motifs de la décision - insuffisants
Reasons for a decision - insufficient