Public consultation now open on EPO Observatory’s work plan for 2026 and 2027

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Deadline extended!

Share your input by 28 March.

Contribute to the latest consultation round on the future of innovation 

The European Patent Office (EPO) has launched an online public consultation to gather input from a wide range of stakeholders as it prepares the second biennial work plan of its Observatory on Patents and Technology.

Meeting the needs of the innovation ecosystem

Since the EPO’s Observatory on Patents and Technology commenced its activities in October 2023, it has prioritised the topics identified as highly relevant during the first consultation process. This led to the launch of insightful studies, technology platforms, online events and collaborations with partners, providing actors across the innovation ecosystem with reliable evidence to drive informed decision-making.

Building on the Observatory’s achievements to date, the new work plan will outline the topics and activities that are to constitute its output in 2026 and 2027. The plan aims to align the Observatory’s goals with the needs and expectations of everyone who has an interest in innovation, including policymakers, researchers, startups, SMEs, investors, IP professionals and the general public.

The Observatory will align its future initiatives with Europe's transformation priorities by launching new projects that tackle current challenges and draw insights from the Draghi report on EU competitiveness and the recent EU Competitiveness Compass.   

Your voice matters

This is your opportunity to help shape the priorities of the EPO’s Observatory for the next two years. The current consultation round will run until Friday 28 March and is open to all interested stakeholders. The EPO welcomes participation from the general public and IP specialists alike, as well as the broader community of innovation experts. So please take this opportunity to share your views.