Public consultation on the EPO’s next Strategic Plan (SP2028)

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The European Patent Office invites all stakeholders and members of the public to take part in a consultation and provide feedback on its upcoming Strategic Plan 2028.  

This year the EPO is celebrating 50 years of the European Patent Convention. Together with stakeholders, we have forged a strong patent system and created a European Patent Organisation that has become a success in a multitude of ways.

Stakeholder input has always been vital to this success, helping us to respond to the needs of our users in a changing patent landscape. As the current Strategic Plan 2023 nears completion, the European Patent Office is conducting a public consultation to collect input from stakeholders and incorporate their diverse viewpoints into our next strategic plan (2024-2028).

In SP2028 the EPO will pursue one goal: sustainability. Its people, professional homes, technologies, products and services, and the partnerships and networks  it develops are the drivers that will contribute to a sustainable patent office, a more sustainable patent system and, ultimately, a more sustainable society.

All stakeholders are warmly invited to comment on how we can reach this goal together. 

Share your input!  

The public consultation will run until 15 May and is open to all interested stakeholders, experts from the intellectual property and innovation system and members of the general public. 

All submissions will be carefully analysed and - if agreed to by the contributor - published on our website. The Strategic Plan 2028 will then be submitted to the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation in December 2023 for their approval.

Further information:

More information on the consultation