European patents - Strasbourg seminars to prepare for the EQE 2006, involving the European Patent Office and European patent practitioners
January/February 2006
Please note that early enrolment is advisable.
The Centre for International Industrial Property Studies (CEIPI) is holding two seminars in Strasbourg to help candidates prepare for the European qualifying examination (EQE) 2006.
Participants are expected to have reached an advanced stage in their own preparations for the examination. To this end, introductory courses for Papers C and D will be held in Strasbourg on 29 and 30 September 2005.
The working texts for the seminar are largely based on past EQE papers. Both seminars will incorporate papers from EQE 2005.
The Paper D seminars are for those intending to sit the examination in 2006.
The seminar on legal questions will be held twice in 2006, from 9 to 13 January and from 24 to 28 January 2006. Applicants may indicate a preferred week, but course allocation will be at CEIPI's discretion.
The seminar aims to enable candidates to answer the legal questions substantively and within the time allowed. It serves as a final test for the EQE. The method involves independent work under the tutors' supervision, plus discussion of the answers. Candidates learn the different approaches needed to tackle the "small" questions and the "big" question, and practise these techniques.
The seminar on Papers A, B and C will be held from 6 to 10 February 2006.
The seminar will cover the following topics: drafting claims and drafting an introduction to the description in Paper A; replying to a communication and preparing an amended set of claims in Paper B; and drafting both a notice of opposition and a response to client questions in Paper C.
Participants will look at a past examination question related to each topic and find a solution under the guidance of a tutor. The problem/solution approach, priority, inadmissible amendments and prior use will also be included when considering Papers B and C. Participants will have the opportunity to apply the strategies discussed by doing the 2005 A, B and C papers under mock examination conditions. Various approaches and suggested solutions will then be presented and discussed in the light of the Examiners' Report.
The seminar's European character is reflected in the international mix of tutors and participants. Group-based work ensures discussion between the two. Participants are required to know one of the EPO's official languages (English, French or German).
In the ABC seminar the AB part will have groups for chemical and non-chemical subject-matter in each official language.
The part AB or C may be booked separately.
Participant numbers are limited, to ensure proper discussion between tutors and the group.
Enrolment conditions: Applications to CEIPI will be treated on a first come, first served basis. If the courses are oversubscribed, names will be put on a waiting list. Those enrolling for the first time will be given precedence over those wishing to repeat the courses. The closing date for receipt of all applications is 2 November 2005.
To enrol, or obtain further information, please contact:
Rosemarie Blott or Isabelle Meyer
CEIPI Section Internationale
Université Robert Schuman
Boîte Postale 68
F 67046 Strasbourg cedex
Tel. : (+33 0) 3 88 14 45 92
Fax : (+33 0) 3 88 14 45 94
Application and information via e-mail:
See also