FR France
Payment of fees in France
The French Institute for Intellectual Property (INPI) has informed us that the bank account for renewal fees and other fees concerning European patents in France has changed.
Details of the new account are as follows:
Owner of the bank account: Agent comptable de l'Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle
26bis, rue de Saint Pétersbourg,
75008 PARIS
Bank: Paierie Générale Paris
Address : 16-18, rue Notre Dame des Victoires,
75002 PARIS
Bank code: 10071
Branch code: 75200
Key: 60
Account no.: 20001000008
International Bank Account Number (IBAN):
FR76 1007 1752 0020 0010 0000 860
Bank Identification Code (BIC):
Updating of the EPO information brochure "National law relating to the EPC"
Users of the EPO information brochure "National Law relating to the EPC" (12th edition) are asked to make the appropriate amendments in Table VIII, column 2.