IT Italy
Payment of fees in Italy
The Italian Patent and Trademark Office has informed us that the name of the beneficiary for payments of renewal fees and other fees concerning European patents in Italy has changed and that BIC and IBAN have recently been introduced also for giro accounts.
Therefore, the details of the respective accounts are resumed as follows:
For payments of renewal fees for European patents:
Beneficiary: Agenzia delle Entrate - centro operativo Pescara
Giro account ("conto corrente postale") no.: 81016008
ABI 07601
CAB 03200
International Bank Account No. (IBAN): IT10 D076 0103 2000 0008 1016 008
Bank Identifier Code (BIC): BPPIITRRXXX
For payments of any other fees:
Beneficiary: Agenzia delle Entrate - centro operativo Pescara
Giro account ("conto corrente postale") no.: 668004
ABI 07601
CAB 03200
International Bank Account No. (IBAN): IT42 D076 0103 2000 0000 0668 004
Bank Identifier Code (BIC): BPPIITRRXXX
Updating of the EPO information brochure "National law relating to the EPC"
Users of the EPO information brochure "National law relating to the EPC" (12th edition) are asked to make the appropriate amendments in Tables II and VI as well as in table VIII, column 2.