Notices of the President of the EPO
Notice from the President of the European Patent Office dated 17 September 1998 concerning the days on which EPO filing offices are closed in 1999
1. Under Rule 85(1) EPC time limits expiring on a day on which at least one of the filing offices of the EPO is not open for receipt of documents (closing days) are extended until the first day thereafter on which all the filing offices are open for receipt of documents and on which ordinary mail is delivered.
2. The EPO's filing offices in Munich, The Hague and Berlin will be closed for the receipt of documents on every Saturday and Sunday. The other closing days in 1999 are listed below.
Days | München | The Hague | Berlin | |
Neujahr - New Year's Day - Nouvel An |
01.01.1999 |
x |
x |
x |
Heilige Drei Könige - Epiphany - Epiphanie |
06.01.1999 |
x |
Karfreitag - Good Friday - Vendredi Saint |
02.04.1999 |
x |
x |
x |
Ostermontag - Easter Monday - Lundi de Pâques |
05.04.1999 |
x |
x |
x |
Nationalfeiertag - National Holiday - Fête nationale |
30.04.1999 |
x |
Tag der Befreiung - Liberation Day - Journée de la Libération |
05.05.1999 |
x |
Christi Himmelfahrt - Ascension Day - Ascension |
13.05.1999 |
x |
x |
x |
Pfingstmontag - Whit Monday - Lundi de Pentecôte |
24.05.1999 |
x |
x |
x |
Fronleichnam - Corpus Christi - Fête-Dieu |
03.06.1999 |
x |
Allerheiligen - All Saints' Day - Toussaint |
01.11.1999 |
x |
Heiliger Abend - Christmas Eve - Veille de Noël |
24.12.1999 |
x |
x |
x |
Silvester - New Year's Eve - Saint-Sylvestre |
31.12.1999 |
x |
x |
x |