Students of the epi
The Professional Qualification Committee (PQC) would like to remind readers of the benefits, to those wishing to get on the List by way of the European Qualifying Examination (EQE), of applying to become Students of the epi.
Applying to become a Student involves payment of an entry fee of DEM 300, which provides the benefits to the end of the fourth year from the application date. (Application forms are available from the epi Secretariat). Each registered Student will receive his/her own copy of "epi Information", a list of registered Students, and a "Training Manual". This latter includes a list of recommended reading material; a list of training resources in EPC States; the relevant EQE rules and provisions; training guidelines, and edited case studies (not available yet). This fee is not intended to raise any profits for the epi, but only to cover foreseen costs.
Council has also approved a reduction in the costs of epi tutorials. With regard to the fees, reference should be made to the epi tutorials enrolment form published in epi Information 1/1997, page 29.
The basic motive behind setting up this type of association with the epi is to persuade and enable would-be European patent attorneys to take responsibility (on a self-help basis) for getting the training and exposure to the work of a patents professional that each needs not only to pass the EQE but to function as a fully-competent patent attorney. If you have any concern for the future of our profession, and know of a would-be candidate for the EQE, then please play your part by bringing this notice to his/her attention.