Fees payable under the PCT
Designation fees
The PCT Assembly decided not to increase PCT fees generally but to increase the maximum number of designation fees payable, with effect from 1 January 1996, from 10 to 11.12
Reduction in PCT fees for the benefit of the International Bureau for applicants from certain states
The PCT Assembly decided, with effect from 1 January 1996, to reduce by 75% the basic fee, the designation fee, the confirmation fee and the handling fee in respect of international applications filed by any applicant who is a natural person and who is a national of and resides in a state whose per capita national income is below USD 3 000. As regards the EPO this decision applies only to the handling fee where the EPO is the International Preliminary Examining Authority. The PCT contracting states whose nationals can benefit from this reduction are published in PCT Gazette 1995, 19233.2 This decision does not affect the fee reduction granted by the EPO for the international search and preliminary examination in respect of international applications filed by nationals of developing countries and "countries in transition"3.
New equivalent amounts
The Director General of WIPO has, pursuant to Rule 15.2(d) and 57.2(e) PCT, established new equivalent amounts for the basic fee, the supplement per sheet over 30, the designation fee and the handling fee in the following currencies of the contracting states to the EPO: ATS, BEF/LUF, DEM, DKK, ESP, FRF, GBP, GRD, ITL, NLG, PTE and SEK.4 The new amounts are applicable as from 1 January 1996. They are set out in the table "Fees for international applications" shown on page 124.