EASY project
The EASY (Electronic Application SYstem) software (see Official Journal EPO 8/1994 for full background) continues to develop, thanks in no small part to the input from our EASY beta test users. Their comments were taken into account for the development from beta test version 0.3i (released in June 1994) to the latest beta test version 0.5, which was released on 1 April of this year.
Testers continue to provide the EASY team with useful comments and feedback on the software, enabling further development towards the operational version of EASY. A number of our users regularly file their patent applications prepared using EASY and were pleased to note that they may now file at the other EPO sites, not just at the office at The Hague as was previously the case, and as indicated in the article in OJ EPO 8/1994.
In order that as many as possible of our clients' practical requirements can be taken into account, the EASY beta-test phase is now being extended to a wider test group.
Additionally, after two very fruitful "Introduction to EASY" sessions, held at the EPO offices in Munich and at The Hague, the EASY team is planning to organise further, similar sessions in September and October at their premises and at locations in member states. These half-day sessions comprise a brief history of the development of EASY including details on the current status of the project. This is followed by a demonstration of the working of the software after which participants are given an opportunity to gain hands-on experience with the software and to give their initial impressions and comments.
Clients requiring further information on the EASY project or who would like to become a test user and/or attend an "Introduction to EASY" session are kindly requested to contact Arnold van Putten, EASY Project Leader, or Liz Parker at the EASY Help Desk.
Tel.: (+31-70) 340 2669
Fax: (+31-70) 340 3975
e-mail CompuServe: 100336,3413