Notice from the European Patent Office dated 1 December 1993 concerning the filing of drawings
1. Drawings forming part of a European patent application are often filed on stiff card even though the originally filed drawings fully comply with Rule 32 EPC. The figures appearing on both sets of drawings are sometimes even identical.
Since drawings on stiff card are bulky and not readily pliable they cause problems in the handling of dossiers and in copying and scanning machines with automatic feed.
2. In order to avoid these problems applicants' attention is drawn to the fact that the requirements of Rules 35(3) and (4) EPC must be interpreted as meaning that drawings must be filed on pliable paper that admits of reproduction in an automatic copying machine. In practice this means that the paper weight should be 80-120 g/m2.
3. The attention of applicants is drawn to the fact that it is not necessary to file "formal drawings" if the drawings as originally filed comply with Rule 32 EPC.