National Law relating to EPC, IX. Registering a transfer, licences and other rights in respect of a European patent in the national patent register, Lithuania
Contracting state | Lithuania | |
1 Transfer of rights by transaction (e.g. sale, merger) or by operation of law (e.g. succession, insolvency, compulsory execution) |
2 Licences and other rights |
1Which supporting documents must be filed? |
Contract assigning a patent application or patent Art. 42 PL |
Licence agreement Art. 45 PL |
2Must a national professional representative be appointed? |
Yes Legal or natural persons who have no residence, permanent place of business, registered branch or representative office in Lithuania, in the EEA or in an EPC contracting state must appoint a patent attorney who has been entered on the List of Patent Attorneys of Lithuania. Art. 14(3) PL |
Yes, as under 1. Art. 14(3) PL |
3Must a form be used? |
No |
No |
4Special fee payable? |
EUR 115 Fees Law |
EUR 28 Fees Law |
5Entries and data recorded in the register |
Transfer of rights and licences Entries in the register have legal effect. |
6Is a transfer registered by the EPO under Rule 85 EPC recognised? |
Yes |
7Special features |
Assignments are published in the official bulletin. Documents not drafted in Lithuanian must be accompanied by a translation |