Patentability and revocation proceedings
This course serves as an introduction to patentability and revocation proceedings for judges who have limited experience of hearing patent cases but work in courts which are competent to deal with them. The training is developed by judges and for them.
The course covers all the fundamental issues, such as the state of the art, claim construction, novelty, inventive step, sufficiency of disclosure, amendment of claims, opposition and appeal procedures.
The self-study material is complemented by weekly interactive and hands-on group sessions where participants can meet their colleagues from around Europe and discuss specific topics with judicial patent experts.
Sign up also for the Patent Litigation lecture series:
- Inventive step at the UPC on 21.02.2025
- Opposition and Appeals on 26.03.2025

Organised by
European Patent Office
Organised by
European Patent Office
Registration deadline
Combining self-study with online live sessions, this course serves as an introduction to patentability and revocation proceedings for judges who have limited experience of hearing patent cases but who work in courts which are competent to deal with them.
· 04 March (Tuesday), 10.30-12.30 and 13.30-15.30 online
· 05 March (Wednesday), 10.30-12.30 online
· 06 March (Thursday), 10.30-12.30 online
· 12 March (Wednesday), 15.00-17.00 online
· 26 March (Wednesday), 15.00-16.00 online
· 17 April (Thursday), 10.30-12.30 (CEST time), online
Judges must attend all sessions in full to obtain the certification.