

Street address (Isar building)

Bob-van-Benthem-Platz 1
80469 Munich

Street address (PschorrHöfe (PH) buildings)

PH Main

Bayerstr. 34
80335 Munich


Bayerstr. 115
80335 Munich


Grasserstr. 9
80339 Munich


+49 (0)89 2399-0

Postal address

Use this address to send documents to the EPO by a traditional mail service:
80298 Munich

Use this address to send documents to the EPO by courier:
Bayerstr. 34
80335 Munich

Access for people with disabilities

The EPO strives to make all its buildings as accessible as possible to people with disabilities. If you encounter any difficulties or if you have a specific request, please call the contact person for the relevant meeting or the EPO Munich switchboard:
+49 (0)89 2399-0

Lines are open Monday to Friday, 08.00 -18.00 hrs CET

We will deal with your request immediately and suggest how to proceed.

Security and safety during your visit to the EPO

As a visitor, you must be registered with our security staff in advance by your EPO host, i.e. the staff member who issued your invitation. You will be required to present valid proof of identity to security staff upon arrival at the reception desk.

You will be issued with a visitor's badge to be worn and displayed prominently throughout your visit. You will be escorted by your host at all times when in the non-public areas of the building.

If you have been issued with a patent attorney badge for official proceedings, you will have unescorted access to the semi-public areas for the relevant day(s).

Before you can enter the building, your baggage will be inspected and you will be required to walk through a metal detector. Please plan accordingly to allow ample time for this.
Before leaving the building, please return your visitor's badge to our security staff.

Should an evacuation alarm sound, please proceed immediately to the designated assembly point.

If you witness an emergency, please pick up the nearest phone and call extension 2222, or dial 0049 89 2399-2222 on your mobile phone, and explain the situation.

Security and emergency procedures:

Visitors' guide - Munich

Hotels in Munich

The EPO has compiled a list of selected hotels in Munich

View list of hotels

To book a room at preferential rates in one of them, please contact the Amex GBT travel agency by phone or email.

Please make it clear that you will be paying yourself and are attending an EPO event. If booking by email, please indicate this in the subject line.

+49 (0) 693 807 917 66

Opening hours: Mo. - Fr. 08:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs
Outside opening hours, please call +49 (0) 693 807 917 66

The Hague

Street address

Patentlaan 2
2288 EE Rijswijk
The Netherlands


+31 70 340-2040

Postal address

Use this address to send documents to the EPO by a traditional mail service:
Postbus 5818
2280 HV Rijswijk
The Netherlands

Use this address to send documents to the EPO by courier:
Patentlaan 2
2288 EE Rijswijk
The Netherlands

Access for people with disabilities

The EPO strives to make all its buildings as accessible as possible to people with disabilities. If you encounter any difficulties or if you have a specific request, please call the contact person for the relevant meeting or the EPO The Hague switchboard:
+31 70 340-2040

Lines are open Monday to Friday, 08.00 -18.00 hrs CET

We will deal with your request immediately and suggest how to proceed.

Security and safety during your visit to the EPO

As a visitor, you must be registered with our security staff in advance by your EPO host, i.e. the staff member who issued your invitation. You will be required to present valid proof of identity to security staff upon arrival at the reception desk.

You will be issued with a visitor's badge to be worn and displayed prominently throughout your visit. You will be escorted by your host at all times when in the non-public areas of the building.

If you have been issued with a patent attorney badge for official proceedings, you will have unescorted access to the semi-public areas for the relevant day(s).

Before you can enter the building, your baggage will be inspected and you will be required to walk through a metal detector. Please plan accordingly to allow ample time for this.

Before leaving the building, please return your visitor's badge to our security staff.

Should an evacuation alarm sound, please proceed immediately to the designated assembly point.

If you witness an emergency, please pick up the nearest phone and call extension 2222, or dial 0031 70 340-2222 on your mobile phone, and explain the situation.

Security and emergency procedures:

Visitors' guide - The Hague

Hotels in The Hague

The EPO has compiled a list of selected hotels in The Hague.

View list of hotels

To book a room at preferential rates in one of them, please contact the Amex GBT travel agency by phone or email.

Please make it clear that you will be paying yourself and are attending an EPO event.

If booking by email, please indicate this in the subject line.

+49 (0) 693 807 917 66

Opening hours: Mo. - Fr. 08:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs

Outside opening hours, please call +49 (0) 693 807 917 66


Street address

Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 14
10178 Berlin, Germany


+49 30 259 01-0

Postal address

Use this address to send documents to the EPO by a traditional mail service:
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 14, 10178 Berlin, Germany

Use this address to send documents to the EPO by courier:
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 14
10178 Berlin, Germany

Access for people with disabilities

The EPO strives to make all its buildings as accessible as possible to people with disabilities. If you encounter any difficulties or if you have a specific request, please call the contact person for the relevant meeting or the EPO Berlin switchboard:
+49 30 259 01-0

Lines are open Monday to Friday, 08.00 -18.00 hrs CET

We will deal with your request immediately and suggest how to proceed.

Security and safety during your visit to the EPO

As a visitor, you must be registered with our security staff in advance by your EPO host, i.e. the staff member who issued your invitation. You will be required to present valid proof of identity to security staff upon arrival at the reception desk.

You will be issued with a visitor's badge to be worn and displayed prominently throughout your visit. You will be escorted by your host at all times when in the non-public areas of the building.

If you have been issued with a patent attorney badge for official proceedings, you will have unescorted access to the semi-public areas for the relevant day(s).

Before you can enter the building, your baggage will be inspected and you will be required to walk through a metal detector. Please plan accordingly to allow ample time for this.

Before leaving the building, please return your visitor's badge to our security staff.

Should an evacuation alarm sound, please proceed immediately to the designated assembly point.

If you witness an emergency, please pick up the nearest phone and call extension 2222, or dial 0049 30 25901-2222 on your mobile phone, and explain the situation.

Security and emergency procedures:

Visitors' guide - Berlin

Hotels in Berlin

The EPO has compiled a list of selected hotels in Berlin.

View list of hotels

To book a room at preferential rates in one of them, please contact the Amex GBT travel agency by phone or email.

Please make it clear that you will be paying yourself and are attending an EPO event. If booking by email, please indicate this in the subject line.

+49 (0) 693 807 917 66

Opening hours: Mo. - Fr. 08:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs CET
Outside opening hours, please call +49 (0) 693 807 917 66


Street address 

Rennweg 12 Patentamt
1030 Vienna


+43 (0)1 52126-0

Postal address

Use this address to send documents to the EPO by a traditional mail service:
Postfach 90
1031 Vienna

Use this address to send documents to the EPO by courier:

Rennweg 12 Patentamt
1030 Vienna

Access for people with disabilities

The EPO strives to make all its buildings as accessible as possible to people with disabilities. If you encounter any difficulties or if you have a specific request, please call the contact person for the relevant meeting or the EPO Vienna switchboard:
+43 (0)1 52126-0

Lines are open Monday to Friday, 08.00 -18.00 hrs CET

We will deal with your request immediately and suggest how to proceed.

Security and safety during your visit to the EPO

As a visitor, you must be registered with our security staff in advance by your EPO host, i.e. the staff member who issued your invitation. You will be required to present valid proof of identity to security staff upon arrival at the reception desk.

You will be issued with a visitor's badge to be worn and displayed prominently throughout your visit. You will be escorted by your host at all times when in the non-public areas of the building.

If you have been issued with a patent attorney badge for official proceedings, you will have unescorted access to the semi-public areas for the relevant day(s).

Before you can enter the building, your baggage will be inspected and you will be required to walk through a metal detector. Please plan accordingly to allow ample time for this.

Before leaving the building, please return your visitor's badge to our security staff.

Should an evacuation alarm sound, please proceed immediately to the designated assembly point.
If you witness an emergency, please pick up the nearest phone and call extension 2222, or dial 0043 1 52126-2222 on your mobile phone, and explain the situation.

Security and emergency procedures: 

Visitors' guide - Vienna

Hotels in Vienna

The EPO has compiled a list of selected hotels.

View list of hotels

To book a room at preferential rates in one of them, please contact the Amex GBT travel agency by phone or email.

Please make it clear that you will be paying yourself and are attending an EPO event. If booking by email, please indicate this in the subject line.

+49 (0) 693 807 917 66

Opening hours: Mo. - Fr. 08:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs CET
Outside opening hours, please call +49 (0) 693 807 917 66


Street address and Postal address

Avenue de Cortenbergh 89
1000 Brussels


+32 (0) 227415-90


The role of our Brussels Bureau is to liaise with the EU institutions and relevant stakeholders in Brussels. It does not accept or process patent applications. For security reasons, unannounced visitors will not be received. For questions about patent applications or the patent granting process, please refer to our FAQs or contact our User Services.

Hotels in Brussels

Holiday-Inn Brussels-Schuman
Rue Breydel, 20
1040 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. +32 2 280 40 00

NH Brussels City Centre (Brussels Centre)
Chée de Charleroi, 17
1060 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. +32 2 539 01 60

Munich, Haar

Street address 

Richard-Reitzner-Allee 8
85540 Haar

Postal address

Use this address to send documents to the EPO by a traditional mail service:
80298 Munich

Use this address to send documents to the EPO by courier:
Bayerstr. 34
80335 Munich


+49 (0)89 2399-0

Access for people with disabilities

The EPO strives to make all its buildings as accessible as possible to people with disabilities. If you encounter any difficulties or if you have a specific request, please call the contact person for the relevant meeting.

Security and safety during your visit to the EPO

As a visitor, you must be registered with our security staff in advance by your EPO host, i.e. the staff member who issued your invitation. You will be required to present valid proof of identity to security staff upon arrival at the reception desk.

You will be issued with a visitor's badge to be worn and displayed prominently throughout your visit. You will be escorted by your host at all times when in the non-public areas of the building.

If you have been issued with a patent attorney badge for official proceedings, you will have unescorted access to the semi-public areas for the relevant day(s).

Before you can enter the building, your baggage will be inspected and you will be required to walk through a metal detector. Please plan accordingly to allow ample time for this.

Before leaving the building, please return your visitor's badge to our security staff.

Hotels in Haar

The EPO has not negotiated any rates for these hotels.

Hotels in Haar