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IP Basics
IP Basics is the first part of the IPTK. It has been designed for teachers of students with little or no prior knowledge of IP, in order to provide them with a basic introduction to a range of different IP rights. The material is available online in English.
IP Basics gives you the tools you need to put together an introductory lecture on IP lasting between one and two hours.
It covers patents, databases, trade marks, designs, geographical indications, utility models, plant variety rights, semiconductor topography rights, copyright and trade secrets, and includes a classroom exercise that demonstrates the use of IP in the real world.
Download IP Basics (ZIP, 4.6 MB)

IP Advanced I
IP Advanced Part I offers in-depth teaching materials on patents, utility models and designs.
In addition to the main presentations, it contains case studies and exercises on patents and designs that demonstrate their use in the real world.
Download IP Advanced I (ZIP, 22 MB)

IP Advanced II
IP Advanced II provides advanced teaching materials on trade marks, copyright, trade secrets and know-how.
In addition to the main presentations, it contains case studies and exercises on trade marks, copyright, trade secrets and know-how that demonstrate their use in the real world.
Download IP Advanced II (ZIP, 13 MB)

IP Search Tools
IP Search Tools offers advanced teaching materials on the Espacenet and European Patent Register databases, as well as TMview, TMclass, Designview, eSearch Plus, eSearch Case Law, EuroLocarno and the EUIPO Registry.
In addition to the main presentations, it contains exercises on searching for patent information in Espacenet and the European Patent Register.
Download IP Search Tools (ZIP, 12 MB)

IP Management
IP Management provides you with teaching material about IP management, strategy and commercialisation.
In addition to the main presentations, it contains a case study which illustrates how a casual approach to IP management can lead to serious consequences in the commercialisation of IP.
Download IP Management (ZIP, 5.6 MB)

Case studies
These case studies are reprints from the California Management Review special issue on IP management, produced in collaboration with the EPO and the University of California Berkeley. This special issue provides an in-depth look at the benefits, methods and potential pitfalls of IP management.
Strategic Management of Intellectual Property: An Integrated Approach
William W. Fisher III and Felix Oberholzer-Gee
IP Models to Orchestrate Innovation Ecosystems: IMEC, a Public Research Institute in Nao-Electronics
Bart Leten, Wim Vanhaverbeke, Nadine Roijakkers, André Clerix and Johan Van Helleputte
Download Case studies (PDF, 947 KB)