President of the Boards of Appeal

Carl Josefsson became the first President of the Boards of Appeal on 1 March 2017. Coming from the Swedish judiciary, he has held the offices of Associate Judge of Appeal and – later – Senior Judge of Appeal at the Swedish Patent and Market Court of Appeal and the Svea Court of Appeal, Stockholm.
Role of the President of the Boards of Appeal
The President of the Boards of Appeal is the administrative head of the Boards.
He is at the same time the Chairman of the Enlarged Board of Appeal.
The President of the Boards of Appeal is hierarchically independent of the President of the EPO and responsible only to the Administrative Council.
In an Act of Delegation (OJ EPO 2018, A63), the President of the EPO delegated to the President of the Boards of Appeal powers relating to the appointment and re-appointment of members of the Boards of Appeal and to managerial and disciplinary matters.