Easy access to EPO legal texts on any device


27 March 2023 

New digital versions of the EPO's legal texts are now available in English, French and German on, making them instantly accessible on any device for the very first time. 

The following texts have been released in a responsive design that is optimised and adjusted for the different screen sizes: 

  • Guidelines for Examination at the EPO 
  • Guidelines for Search and Examination at the EPO as PCT Authority 
  • Official Journal of the EPO 
  • Case law of the Boards of Appeal 
  • National law relating to the EPC  
  • National measures relating to the Unitary Patent 
  • European Patent Guide 
  • Euro-PCT Guide 
  • Unitary Patent Guide

The existing legal texts will remain online following the release of the new digital versions to ensure that the transition goes smoothly, after which they will be retired and taken offline. Redirects will be put in place from the old URLs to the new versions, but please remember to update your links and bookmarks. 

Listening to our users 

We invite you to try out the new format and submit your feedback anonymously using the dedicated feedback form. This will significantly help shape both the functionality and the look and feel of the new site, which is currently up and running as a pilot version.  

The current release includes optimisations based on feedback gathered following the pilot launch of the responsive version of the European Patent Convention last October. 

Further optimisations in the pipeline 

Today's releases are part of an overall effort to rebuild the EPO website in a modern design that is optimised for all screen sizes and offers a smooth user experience. Over the coming months, additional information and services will be added to the new website for your feedback. 

Further information 

Legal texts on

European Patent Convention on

Guidelines for Examination at the EPO on

Guidelines for Search and Examination at the EPO as PCT Authority on

Official Journal of the EPO on

Case law of the Boards of Appeal on

National law relating to the EPC on

National measures relating to the Unitary Patent on

European Patent Guide on

Euro-PCT Guide on

Unitary Patent Guide on