In-house training programme for patent professionals
The European Patent Office offers an opportunity for future European patent attorneys and European patent attorneys in private practice and in industry to receive training within the EPO. The training programme is mainly aimed at candidates for the European qualifying examination, in particular those whose mother tongue is not an EPO official language.
The programme
The trainees spend four weeks with Directorate-General 1 in The Hague or Berlin, or Directorate-General 2 in Munich, and/or up to four weeks in Directorate-General 3 (Appeals), which is also in Munich. In DGs 1 and 2 the trainees work on files and cases and are supervised by an examiner. In DG 3 they are assigned to a technical board of appeal. In some cases they may have the opportunity to attend an examiners' course or oral proceedings, and to acquaint themselves with other activities of the EPO.
The training itself is free of charge, but trainees have to pay their own living costs and other expenses.
The programme is open to nationals of all EPC contracting states who are resident in a contracting state.
A basic knowledge of the European patent grant procedure is required, a condition for admission being that the candidate has successfully completed the CEIPI/epi Basic training in European patent law or an equivalent course.
The trainees must have a good knowledge of at least one of the official languages, and should have a basic knowledge of the other two.
To apply for enrolment, please complete the form on page 536 and return it to the EPO International Academy by 22 November 2002 at the latest.
Trainee numbers are strictly limited: only a few candidates per year can be accepted.
EPO International Academy
Tel. (+49-89) 2399-5111
Fax (+49-89) 2399-5273
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