National Law relating to EPC, VI.A Payment of renewal fees, Cyprus
Contracting state | Cyprus * | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Legal basis for levying renewal fees |
Sect. 26(3) PL |
1Amount of fees (plus any charges levied by banks) |
2 (a) Due date (in the patent year concerned) (b) Time limit for payment (without surcharge)* (c) Earliest possible date for payment |
(a) The date preceding the anniversary date of filing (Form P.13) (b) n/a (c) Payment may not be made more than 3 months before due date. R. 42(1)(a), 56(2) PFR |
3Period of grace for payment of fees (with surcharge) (a) duration (b) surcharge |
(a) 6 months from due date (b) 25% per month R. 42(1)(b) PFR |
4Communication of a reminder in cases of non-payment (a) provided for? (b) date of dispatch |
(a) No (b) n/a |
5Restitutio in integrum (a) provided for? (b) time limit for submitting application |
(a) Yes (Form P.14 P.15) (b) Within 12 months of expiry of the period of grace under section 3 R. 43 PFR |
6Appointment of a national professional representative for (a) payment of fees (b) communication of a reminder of non-payment (c) proceedings in respect of restitutio in integrum |
(a) Yes (b) n/a (c) Yes |
7Information regarding lapse of patent in cases of non-payment of renewal fees |
Entry in the patent register Publication in the official gazette R. 3(1)(b), 42(4) PFR |
* For first renewal fee to be paid, see Art. 141(2) EPC.