- New publications
Art in the Time of Ecological Disruption, edited by IACCCA (International Association of Corporate Collections of Contemporary Art), Geneva 2021, ISBN 978-2-8399-3421-3
111 Münchner Meisterwerke, die man gesehen haben muss, Rüdiger Liedtke, Emons Verlag, Cologne 2021, ISBN 978-3-7408-1297-3
Wirtschaft trifft Kunst. Warum Kunst Unternehmen gut tut [Business meets art. Why art is good for business.], edited by Ulrike Lehmann, Springer Gabler Verlag, 559 pages, Wiesbaden 2017, ISBN: 9783658172985
- EPO anniversary publications
"The art collection. Contemporary art in the European Patent Office", edited by Kristine Schönert, with text by Kristine Schönert and Anette Hüsch, 82 pages, Munich 2010
Pascal Griset, The European Patent. A European success story for innovation. Commemorative publication edited by the European Patent Office, published at the EPO's own expense 2013, page 300-305 - Art guides for EPO buildings
The EPO art collection (Munich – The Hague – Berlin – Vienna)
edited by Kristine Schönert, 82 pages, Munich 2010"Art guide Munich (Bob-van-Benthem-Platz 1, Headquarters)"
edited by Kristine Schönert, 74 pages, Munich 2015"Art guide Munich (Grasserstrasse 9)"
edited by Kristine Schönert, 54 pages, Munich 2010"Art guide Munich (Bayerstrasse 115)"
edited by Kristine Schönert, 74 pages, Munich 2011"Art outside (Munich). A tour of the art collection"
edited by Kristine Schönert, 62 pages, Munich 2016"Art guide Munich Haar", 38 pages, Munich 2019
"Art guide Berlin"
edited by Kristine Schönert, 46 pages, Munich 2010 "Art guide The Hague" 10 pages, Munich 2019"Art guide Vienna"
edited by Kristine Schönert, 15 pages, Munich 2011 - Anthologies of national and international best practices
"Global Corporate Collections", edited by Friedrich Conzen, Max Hollein and Olaf Salié, Deutsche Standards Editionen, 536 pages, Cologne 2015, ISBN 978-3-942597-39-5
"Corporate Collections", edited by Olaf Salié and Friedrich Conzen, in collaboration with the Working Group for Corporate Collecting of the Association of Arts and Culture of the German Economy at the Federation of German Industries, 468 pages, Cologne 2012, ISBN 978-3-942597-22-7.
Peter Harris/Shirley Reiff Howarth, A Celebration of Corporate Art Programmes Worldwide, 292 pages, published by The Wapping Arts Trust, United Kingdom 2014 - Media review
"Alles erscheint um diese späte Zeit in einem anderen Licht", Süddeutsche Zeitung, 16 October 2022
"Zum 23. Mal: Die Lange Nacht der Münchner Museen",, 15 October 2022
"Bereit zum Abheben", Münchner Merkur, 15 October 2022
„Nachtschicht im Museum“, Münchner Merkur, 10 October 2022
„Nachtschicht im Museum“, Tz, 10 October 2022,
„Ausflugs-Tipps: Raus in und rund um München“, Abendzeitung, 1 October 2022
"Zu Besuch im Amt der Schätze (A tour of the EPO treasure trove)", Süddeutsche Zeitung, 4 June 2021
"Münchens größte Ausstellung (Munich's largest exhibition)", Süddeutsche Zeitung, 18 January 2021
"Erfindergeist (The spirit of inventiveness)", Weltkunst (München Spezial 04), 2021, pp. 52-54
"Feingeistige Unternehmen: Banken, Versicherungen und Grossfirmen - immer öfter leisten sich solche Häuser eine eigene Sammlung. Eine Investition der anderen Art", (Corporate sophistication: investments in art are on the up in banks, insurance companies and big corporations),published in: Süddeutsche Zeitung No. 271, 24 November 2011, page 31, Private Banking supplement
"Unternehmen als Kunstsammler (Corporate art collectors)", Handelsblatt online, 14 October 2012
"The Evolution of Collections Held by Businesses", New York Times, 4 December 2013
"Kunst im Büro: Das ist kein Esoterikquatsch (Art in the office: This is no esoteric rubbish)", Spiegel online (career), 7 February 2014
"Bewertung von Kunstsammlungen" (assessment of art collections), Kulturkreisbrief, copy April 2014, n° 55, edited by the Association of Arts and Culture of the German Economy at the Federation of German Industries (Berlin), p. 32
"Das Bahnhofsviertel: Wo München wirklich Weltstadt ist", by Karl Stankiewitz, 128 pages, Sutton edition Erfurt 2015, ISBN 978-3-95400-646-5 - Academic papers
Katrin Wilhelm/Maria Siegmantel/Simon Kunz, Bernhard Luginbühl "Blauer Ritter" 1976. Dokumentation, Abbau-Aufbauanleitung, (Bernhard Luginbühl "Blue knight" 1976. Documentation, assembly/disassembly instructions), seminar paper 2008/2009, Technical University of Munich, faculty of restoration, art technology and conservation science.
Regina Fröhlich, "Jai Young Park 'Columns for the EPO' 2001. A documentation and restoration concept of the video installation", seminar paper 2009/2010, Technical University of Munich, faculty of restoration, art technology and conservation science.
Miriam Schanz, "Panamarenko: Umbilly II and Flying (Magic) Carpet'. Documentation and restoration concept", master's thesis 2010, Technical University of Munich, faculty of restoration, art technology and conservation science.
Julia Steves, "'Kinetic Light Refractions' - Ein Lichtspiel von Rolf Lieberknecht im Europäischen Patentamt München", ('Kinetic Light Refractions' - a light play by Rolf LIeberknecht in the European Patent Office Munich), master's thesis 2012, Technical University of Munich, faculty of restoration, art technology and conservation science.
Ursula Ganss, Untersuchung der „Malerei" von Adrian Schiess im Europäischen Patentamt München (Examination of ´Malerei" (painting) by Adrian Schiess in the European Patent Office Munich), bachelor's thesis 2014, Technical University of Munich, faculty of restoration, art technology and conservation science.
Julia Sawitzki, Chihiro Shimotanis "Diagonale" im Europäischen Patentamt München (Diagonal - a stone installation by Chihiro Shimotani in the European Patent Office Munich), bachelor's thesis 2015, Technical University of Munich, faculty of restoration, art technology and conservation science.
Julia Sawitzki, "Axel Anklams "shine" (2006) im Europäischen Patentamt München. Dokumentation, Untersuchung und Konservierungskonzept für ein Kunstwerk mit Latexmembranbespannung", Chair of Restoration, Art Technology and Conservation Science, Technical University of Munich, master thesis, 2017
Julia Sawitzki, "Investigations in the conservation of an art piece with stretched rubber latex", in: FUTURE TALKS 019. SURFACES. LECTURES AND WORKSHOPS ON TECHNOLOGY AND CONSERVATION OF THE MODERN, edited by Tim Bechthold, Die Neue Sammlung - The Design Museum, Munich 2021, pp. 226-235
Short documentation of 200 public art projects commissioned by the German Federation since 1950, edited by BMVBS, online publication no. 25/2012, ISSN 1869-9324 (in German)