Clean energy technologies

In today's world, we face a multitude of energy-related issues both as a society and at an individual level. However, one issue that affects us all is climate change.

Climate change is driving innovation in clean energy. New technologies are being developed every day in the race to safeguard life on Earth and meet the climate targets set out in the European Green Deal, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement.

Inventors are at the forefront of this endeavour. The technical information published in patents describes the most recent technical advances, and can support researchers and innovators with making the next inventive steps.

To date, with the addition of a new chapter on carbon capture technologies under energy storage, EPO patent examiners and data analysts have compiled almost 70 datasets to support scientists and engineers in accessing patent information containing some of the most advanced technical knowledge on clean energy. See our demonstration video.

The platform is arranged into three broad themes and updated regularly:

  • Renewable energy
  • Solutions for carbon-intensive industries
  • Energy storage and other enabling technologies 

New section on carbon capture and storage

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UN Sustainable Development Goals

Innovation in the field of clean energies mainly supports progress towards the following UN SDGs:

UN SDGs 7,9,13

See also

A comprehensive overview of green technologies

Green Tech in focus