eTenders Overview on all calls for eTenders found

Search results
Published on Title Tendering authority Tender type Legal framework Submission deadline
14.05.2024 Framework contract for Mechanical/HVAC installations for the EPO site The Hague (EPO-2024-0012) European Patent Office Munich Open tender Goods and Services 12.07.2024 12:00
19.06.2024 Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) for EPO staff and their family members (EPO-2024-0007) European Patent Office Munich Open tender Goods and Services 20.08.2024 12:00
Title Framework contract for Mechanical/HVAC installations for the EPO site The Hague (EPO-2024-0012)
Tendering authority European Patent Office Munich
Tender type Open tender
Legal framework Goods and Services
Submission deadline 12.07.2024 12:00
Title Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) for EPO staff and their family members (EPO-2024-0007)
Tendering authority European Patent Office Munich
Tender type Open tender
Legal framework Goods and Services
Submission deadline 20.08.2024 12:00