EQE - European qualifying examination
The European qualifying examination (EQE) tests candidates' knowledge and aptitude to represent applicants in EPO proceedings. Established in 1979, it is widely regarded as one of the most demanding professional examinations. It has been passed by more than 14 000 candidates already.
Dates for the EQE 2025 Schedule for the EQE 2025Dates for the EQE 2026
Technical tests for enrolled candidates: 23 January and 18 February 2025.
Confirmation of participation and the answer papers are available in WISEflow for candidates.
Important information
Supervisory Board
Code of conduct for the EQE
Examination Board
EQE 2025: Paper F (updated March 2025)
Looking for new Examination Committee members
Examination Secretariat
Instructions to candidates concerning the conduct of the EQE
Enrolment for and recognition of the EQEs 2025 and 2026
Supervisory Board, Examination Board, Examination Committees and Examination Secretariat
Amendment of Rule 19 IPREE
List of members
EQC portal
To register or to enrol to the examination, please use the European Qualification and Certification Portal (EQC portal).
Enrolment for the EQE 2025 is possible from 8 July to 23 September 2024 on the EQC portal.

Listen to our podcast series
Explore highlights of the recent EQE reform and learn about its goals, benefits and what future EQE candidates can expect on their path to becoming qualified patent professionals!
Mastering the online examination
Effective exam preparation is key to success. This video provides tips and tricks to help ensure a smooth and successful online exam.
- About the EQE
The EQE is designed to establish whether the candidate has the requisite aptitude and knowledge to represent applicants before the EPO. Candidates need to be particularly conversant with European patent law, the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), the Paris Convention, EPO board of appeal case law and certain national laws in so far as they apply to European patent applications and European patents. The content of the examination only relates to legal texts which were in force on 31 October of the year preceding the examination.
The Regulation on the European qualifying examination (REE 2025) its Implementing provisions (IPREE 2025) can be found here.
The EQE, usually held once a year, comprises five papers:
- Paper F tests declarative knowledge in procedural patent law and claim analysis. F is held for the first time in 2025.
- Paper M1 assesses whether candidates can carry out tasks relating to the analysis and assessment of information and evaluate and act on instructions from a client. M1 will be held for the first time in 2026.
- Paper M2 examines whether candidates are capable of applying procedural and substantive patent law of the EPC and the PCT. It assesses whether candidates are familiar with all procedures established by the EPC and the PCT and with the procedural law. M2 will be held for the first time in 2026.
- Paper M3 establishes whether candidates possess the required skills to analyse, execute and create patent documentation and submissions. It consists of three parts, addressing the drafting of claims, the response to Office actions and opposition. M3 will be held for the first time in 2027.
- Paper M4 assesses candidates’ competence to advise the client and provide an answer in the form of a legal opinion responding to an enquiry. M4 will be held for the first time in 2027.
The timeline for the progressive introduction of the papers can be found here.
To take the five papers, candidates are required to have performed the professional activities for one year in the case of paper F, for two years in the cases of papers M1 and M2, and for three years in the cases of papers M3 and M4.
Candidates may use any books and documents they consider useful for answering the examination papers.
- Transitional measures
On 1 January 2025 the regulation on the EQE entered into force. To facilitate a seamless conversion for candidates who sat a paper under the REE 2009, transitional measures have been implemented as well as a roll-out schedule:
- In 2025, paper F will be launched, and no pre-examination will be held.
- In 2026 the main exam papers (A, B, C and D) will be held for the last time, alongside new papers M1 and M2.
- In 2027 the fully-fledged EQE papers M1, M2, M3 and M4 will be in place.
Furthermore, a detailed system of exemption (with and without pre-examination) between the present and future papers and the corresponding results has been established and laid down in the REE 2025.
The Regulation on the European qualifying examination (REE 2009) and its Implementing provisions (IPREE 2019) can be found here.
The notice from the Examination Secretariat concerning the enrolment for the EQEs 2025 and 2026 can be found here.
- Conditions for registration and enrolment
Only registered candidates can enrol. More information can be found in the section below under "registration as candidate".
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
Candidates must possess a scientific or technical qualification - for example, in biology, biochemistry, chemistry, electronics, pharmacology or physics.
Decisions on qualifications are based on Article 11(1)(a) of the Regulation on the European qualifying examination (REE) and Rules 11 to 14 of the Implementing provisions to the REE (IPREE).Professional activity
At the date of the examination, candidates must have fulfilled the required period of training under the supervision of a professional representative or as an employee dealing with patent matters in an industrial company established in one of the contracting states.
The mandatory practical training is very important, since a great deal of the knowledge required by a European patent attorney is gained during this period. During this period the candidates must take part in a wide range of activities pertaining to patent applications or patents.
Only periods of professional activity completed after the required qualifications were obtained are taken into account. The training period must be completed at the date of the examination.- Registration as candidate
Registration (Rule 28 IPREE)
It is compulsory for EQE candidates to register at the beginning of their professional activities and training. Candidates who have not registered in time, cannot enrol to the EQE.
Notice from the Examination Secretariat - Registration pursuant to Rule 28 IPREE
Who has to register and by when?
All candidates who, according to Article 11(2) REE have started
- training under the supervision of a professional representative, or
- to represent their employer before the EPO, or
- to perform duties of an examiner at the EPO,
and who
- intend to enrol to the EQE for the first time or
- have requested enrolment to the EQE in the past and were not admitted,
must register.
Candidates are expected to register shortly after starting their professional training.
Deadline for compulsory registration prior to enrolment for the foundation paper F 2026 is 28 May 2025. See OJ EPO 2025, A9Which training periods can I have recognised?
Candidates who have already been admitted to the EQE (pre- or main examination) are registered and therefore do not need to register again.
This includes candidates who have already been admitted to the EQE but have not yet sat an examination paper.Candidates are requested to register at the start of their training or employment activities.
It will however also be possible to register periods of professional activity completed in the past.How do I register?
The registration must be done via the EQC portal.
Candidates should have the following documents ready at hand:- certified copy of valid ID or passport;
- certified copy of academic qualifications (ie diploma certificate and transcript of records).
Please refer to the FAQs for further details on certification of documents. A request for registration can only be submitted after all required supporting documents have been uploaded.
- Enrolment
The dates of each examination paper can be found under "Schedule".
Compulsory registration
Enrolment to the foundation paper F 2026 will only be open for candidates who have registered at the latest by 28 May 2025. See OJ EPO 2025, A9.
All information can be found under "Registration as candidate".
Enrolment periods
1. Foundation paper F 2026
Candidates may enrol as from 8 July 2025. Applications must be submitted no later than 22 September 2025 via the EQC portal.
2. Main examination 2026 (Papers A, B, C, D, M1 and M2)
Candidates may enrol as from 8 July 2025. Applications must be submitted no later than 22 September 2025 via the EQC portal.
Enrolment process and fees
Candidates must observe the enrolment procedure and pay the respective fees as laid down in the following document:
Enrolment process and fees for the EQE 2025
Enrolment process and fees for the EQE 2026 (available in due course)
Certain candidates can request a fee subsidy (eligibility criteria apply).- EQE online
The EQE is held online and can be taken at any suitable location chosen by the candidate. The examination system Wiseflow is used (https://europe.wiseflow.net/). Proctoring is based on image and audio recording, monitoring candidates using artificial intelligence, complemented by human invigilation.
Instructions to candidates concerning the conduct of the European qualifying examination
Code of conduct for the EQE
FAQsComplaint concerning the conduct of the examination
Candidates wishing to lodge a complaint pursuant to Rule 19 IPREE (see decision of the Supervisory Board) must do so on the day of the examination paper in question, by filling in the dedicated form:
Form for paper A (available on 13.03.2025, 9:30 - 23:59, CET)
Form for paper B (available on 18.03.2025, 9:30- 23:59, CET)
Form for paper C (available on 20.03.2025, 9:30- 23:59, CET)
Form for paper D (available on 11.03.2025, 9:30- 23:59, CET)
Form for paper F (available on 21.03.2025, 10:00- 23:59, CET)- Surveys
Results of the survey concerning the European qualifying examination 2024
Results of the survey concerning the European qualifying examination 2023
Results of the survey concerning the European qualifying examination 2022
Results of the survey concerning the European qualifying examination 2021
- Results and statistics
Year Examination type Size Download 2024 EQE, pre-examination and main examination 148 KB Download 2023 EQE, pre-examination and main examination 852 KB Download 2022 EQE, pre-examination and main examination 192 KB Download 2021 EQE, pre-examination and main examination 835 KB Download 2019 EQE, pre-examination and main examination 678 KB Download 2018 EQE, pre-examination and main examination 154 KB Download 2017 EQE, pre-examination and main examination 609 KB Download 2016 EQE, pre-examination and main examination 177 KB Download 2015 EQE, pre-examination and main examination 70.9 KB Download 2014 EQE, pre-examination and main examination 59 KB Download 2013 EQE 38.4 KB Download 2012 EQE 108 KB Download 2011 EQE 65.6 KB Download 2010 EQE 41.6 KB Download 2009 EQE 166 KB Download 2008 EQE 34 KB Download 2007 EQE 33KB Download 2006 EQE 44 KB Download 2005 EQE 26 KB Download 2004 EQE 26 KB Download 2003 EQE 89 KB Download 2002 EQE 87 KB Download
European qualifying examination (EQE) - Examination Secretariat
Telephone enquiries:
+49 (0)89 2399 5155
Opening times:
Mon, Wed-Fri 09.00-11.00 hrs
Tue 14.00-15:30 hrs
Postal address:
European Patent Office
European Qualifying Examination
Examination Secretariat
80298 Munich
Fax: +49 (0)89 2399 5140