T 1060/19 × View decision
The declaration of entitlement mentioned in the Notice of 18 December 2017 concerning the reduced appeal fee can be filed until the end of the appeal period, despite the wording of point 4, last sentence, of the Notice, which must be reconciled with the meaning of point 11 of the Notice.
T 2069/18 × View decision
Die ursprünglich mit Rechtsgrund angeforderten und gezahlten Jahresgebühren wandeln sich durch eine zögerliche Tätigkeit des Amts im Prüfungsverfahren nicht nachträglich in rechtsgrundlos geleistete um (Punkt 7 der Entscheidungsgründe).
J 10/20 × View decision
If the European Patent Office issues a promise or statement on how to act in a given area, the principle of legitimate expectations requires that promise or statement to be honoured unless there is good reason not to do so. Users and representatives cannot be expected to question, without any apparent reason, statements on the extension of time limits which are made in publications under Rule 134(4) EPC. Even in the absence of a general dislocation in the delivery or transmission of mail, they can rely on such publications without suffering any disadvantages (points 1.12.-1.20 of the Reasons).
U. Rules relating to Fees
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